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 rehire [ri'haɪr添加此单词到默认生词本
[法] 再雇用

    Rehire \Re*hire"\ (r?*h?r"), v. t.
    To hire again.

    1. While puzzling over her response, the narrator recounts how his mother would dismiss and rehire her several times in succession.
    2. If the finding is upheld, the company says it could ultimately be forced to rehire union drivers and be liable for as much $800 million in back pay to strikers.
    3. Once bitten by a false recovery, manufacturers and other businesses are "more hesitant to rehire people than they were in past slow-growth periods," Mr. Zukowski says.
    4. Other times, clients are able to get out of a troubled partnership and rehire an agency that they worked with in the past.
    5. Walesa said Saturday he would meet with Kiszczak if the government suspended the shipyard decision and honored a previous promise to rehire workers dismissed for striking during a wave of labor unrest in August.
    6. Earlier this year, the union rejected a company proposal to rehire up to 1,900 striking ATU members over the next two years at existing pay rates.
    7. The company fired almost all the strikers, but it has agreed to rehire them, Nupen said.
    8. American said it agreed to rehire the flight attendants "as a matter of clemency and out of concern for each of them."
    9. Another possible measure might be to give chain stores and petrol stations tax incentives to rehire the service staff they have laid off in recent years.
    10. A county sheriff used the luck of the draw to determine which of two laid-off deputy sheriffs to rehire.
    11. Last week, a National Labor Relations official suggested the company had engaged in an unfair labor practice by instituting its contract offer on March 2. Such a finding, if upheld, could force the company to rehire union drivers.
    12. Gov. James J. Blanchard said General Motors Corp. has promised no more layoffs in Michigan in the foreseeable future, and he said the company may rehire some laid off employees.
    13. The car-manufacturing giant negotiated with the employees' union a separation agreement under which workers could opt for a severance payment instead of having their seniority and rehire rights preserved.
    14. Should the Milwaukee complaint be upheld, Greyhound could be forced to rehire striking drivers and give them millions of dollars in back pay.
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