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 Rehman 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. (Rehman)人名;(阿拉伯)拉赫曼;(罗)雷曼

  1. "Obama's speech … was a huge missed opportunity which does nothing to break the logjam in international climate negotiations, " said Friends of the Earth's Asad Rehman.
    “奥巴马的演讲……错失了良机,没能对打破国际气候谈判的僵局起到任何作用,”“地球的朋友”组织的阿萨德·雷赫曼(Asad Rehman)说。
  2. Rehman says this is a new development among the Pakistani public, one that is linked to the month-long military offensive against the Taliban in Swat Valley.
    他说,这是巴基斯坦公众的一个新发展。 这与在斯瓦特山谷发生的长达一月的反对塔利班政权的军事攻势有一定联系。
  3. Rehman says this is a new development among the Pakistani public, one that is linked to the month-long military offensive against the Taliban in the Swat Valley.

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