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 reckless ['rɛklɪs]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 不介意的, 大意的, 鲁莽的, 不顾后果的

[法] 不注意的, 粗心大意的, 鲁莽的

    [ adj ]
    1. marked by defiant disregard for danger or consequences

    2. <adj.all>
      foolhardy enough to try to seize the gun from the hijacker
      became the fiercest and most reckless of partisans
      a reckless driver
      a rash attempt to climb Mount Everest
    3. characterized by careless unconcern

    4. <adj.all>
      the heedless generosity and the spasmodic extravagance of persons used to large fortunes
      reckless squandering of public funds

    Reckless \Reck"less\, a. [AS. reccele['a]s, r[=e]cele['a]s.]
    1. Inattentive to duty; careless; neglectful; indifferent.

    2. Rashly negligent; utterly careless or heedless.

    It made the king as reckless as them diligent. --Sir
    P. Sidney.

    Syn: Heedless; careless; mindless; thoughtless; negligent;
    indifferent; regardless; unconcerned; inattentive;
    remiss; rash.
    -- {Reck"less*ly}, adv. --
    {Reck"less*ness}, n.

    1. The proper figures for corporate growth Are something we never seem to know, As we're called reckless when they're too high, And stagnant when they're too low.
    2. The Multnomah County Circuit jury found that the Metzgers and White Aryan Resistance conspired to do violence to minorities and that they were reckless in sending Dave Mazzella to Portland as their agent.
    3. It will take luck and a measure of courage bordering on the reckless to generate much growth out of the new environment.
    4. He also declined to dismiss the felony charge of criminal mischief and two other misdemeanors, reckless endangerment and negligent discharge of oil.
    5. On stage, Stephens has a huge presence and an exuberant confidence that borders on the reckless.
    6. Thrift operators complained loudly when he moved aggressively to curb what he saw as reckless practices.
    7. Mr Charles Kennedy, Liberal Democrat president (above, left), described the stance as 'a very reckless game'. He suggested that political expediency might have motivated Labour's plumping for the alternative member electoral system of PR.
    8. The official media denied there have been any killings, but reported that 22 youths, including two girls, were arrested for "reckless behavior."
    9. It accuses McDonnell employees of "reckless, wanton and gross negligence" in violating statutes and industry standards for operation of an overhead crane.
    10. In a separate ruling, Jones found Boyce guilty of reckless driving, battery and destruction of property.
    11. But it seems reckless for so prudent a man as David Wilson to gamble the future of Hong Kong's six million people on such a long shot.
    12. But DEA agents were skeptical that the reckless, illiterate "Rafa" had acted alone.
    13. "Did you consider that master's actions reckless?" asked Madson.
    14. Mr. Stoddard's activities "show not only a reckless disregard for the safety and soundness of the bank, but a certain lack of integrity," Judge Jones concluded.
    15. He faces a felony charge of criminal mischief and misdemeanor charges of operating a vessel while intoxicated, reckless endangerment and negligent discharge of oil.
    16. Figueroa, also known as Willie Bundles, was charged Wednesday with murder and reckless endangerment in the slaying Aug. 8 of Maria Hernandez, a 34-year-old mother of three, said Chief of Detectives Robert Colangelo.
    17. The justices, without comment, refused to hear arguments that the award wrongly was based on mere negligence and not, as required by New York law, on a finding of reckless or intentional conduct.
    18. "If you're reckless in your buying and selling, you can easily lose 5% on the turnaround, because you push the price." With all his idiosyncracies, Mr. Castegren isn't adverse to trying something new.
    19. Early said he decided to file a felony charge of reckless manslaughter and a misdemeanor charge of violating the state's booby-trap law because the facts failed to support filing first- or second-degree murder charges.
    20. When Tom Peters and Robert Waterman were consultant colleagues in McKinsey & Co's organisation practice in the 1970s, Waterman played godfather to Peters, the brilliant but reckless junior.
    21. It was, after all, the banks - which base their lending decisions on far more than published accounts - which financed the sector's reckless expansion in the late 1980s.
    22. McDonald's termed the ad "reckless" and misleading.
    23. Public figures and public officials who sue for libel face the tougher task of proving the sued-over statement was false, harmful and made with actual malice _ knowledge or reckless disregard of its falsity.
    24. The suit accused Mellon of failing to "disclose the extent to which reckless and wholly imprudent loans and investment decisions by the bank jeopardized the assets, earnings and net worth" of Mellon.
    25. But prosecutors sought to convict Mr. Rodriguez of vehicular homicide, arguing that Mr. Rodriguez's reckless driving and failure to use the car seat merited criminal charges.
    26. Heckman was jailed on $500,000 bond on two counts each of murder and reckless homicide.
    27. A truck driver who drove his burning rig for nine miles on Interstate 5 hoping the wind would extinguish the fire was cited for reckless driving after the fiery wreckage closed the highway for three hours.
    28. Hazelwood, 43, faces a felony charge of criminal mischief and misdemeanor charges of operating a vessel while intoxicated, reckless endangerment and negligent discharge of oil.
    29. The 43-year-old former skipper is charged with second-degree criminal mischief, a felony, and three misdemeanors, reckless endangerment, operating a vessel while intoxicated and negligent discharge of oil.
    30. Brett D. Byers, 19, was charged with two counts of deliberate homicide, felony criminal mischief and reckless driving after he was arrested in East Helena following a high-speed chase.
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