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 recklessly ['rɛklɪslɪ添加此单词到默认生词本
ad. 不注意, 粗心大意, 不在乎, 鲁莽, 不顾后果, 不顾一切, 妄动

    [ adv ]
    in a reckless manner

    Reckless \Reck"less\, a. [AS. reccele['a]s, r[=e]cele['a]s.]
    1. Inattentive to duty; careless; neglectful; indifferent.

    2. Rashly negligent; utterly careless or heedless.

    It made the king as reckless as them diligent. --Sir
    P. Sidney.

    Syn: Heedless; careless; mindless; thoughtless; negligent;
    indifferent; regardless; unconcerned; inattentive;
    remiss; rash.
    -- {Reck"less*ly}, adv. --
    {Reck"less*ness}, n.

    1. Punitive damages are awarded in addition to compensatory damages and are designed to punish or deter a defendant found to have acted recklessly or maliciously.
    2. Met Life contends in its lawsuit, which is pending, that RJR Nabisco recklessly quadrupled debt through the buyout.
    3. They say Salz, who at one time worked as a part-time electrical inspector, was charged only because he recklessly took actions he should have known would cause a fire hazard.
    4. No matter what you may have heard, the ordinary American isn't a financial and economic fool who buys on impulse, invests on tips, borrows recklessly and ignores the news.
    5. The question of whether Hazelwood was drunk has been described by his lawyers as the keystone of the case, because it reflects on whether he acted recklessly as captain of the ship.
    6. But Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., chairman of the Senate Agriculture Committee, told reporters following a White House meeting with President Reagan that Congress should not rush legislation through recklessly.
    7. Fed regulators, sensitive to how many banks recklessly loaned money to Third World nations and speculative Southwest real estate ventures in years past, are concerned that the LBO binge is deja vu.
    8. In rugged bush 55 miles northeast of Harare, the capital, hundreds of panners carry alluvial sand to the water's edge from a maze of unpropped shafts recklessly burrowed 50 feet or more into the bank of the Nyaguwe River.
    9. David and Ginger Twitchell are accused of recklessly causing the boy's death because they treated him with prayer, instead of conventional medicine.
    10. Baumiller, 38, was arraigned before a Canonsburg magistrate on charges of attempted homicide, aggravated assault and recklessly endangering another person.
    11. On Monday, he recklessly invited retribution for a bad sally by saying "Shoot me, please," but no one took him up on it.
    12. The Alaska statute covering criminal mischief says that a person may act recklessly if he is unaware of a risk because of intoxication.
    13. "There is only one man." That man could be the likeliest agent of his own demise. Saddam Hussein shows every sign of remaining recklessly out of touch with reality.
    14. The lawsuit alleged that Prudential-Bache had recklessly advised Rawson and his company to buy 43 Northeast Florida and Southeast Georgia stores from Pantry Pride Enterprises Inc. for $40 million. Prudential-Bache charged $1 million for its services.
    15. After five days of state testimony, Mr. Hawkins moved for dismissal, arguing the state had failed to prove Jay recklessly pointed the gun at Jason.
    16. Central planning authorities were recklessly promoting industrial expansion, regardless of profitability, while property rights, always a bulwark against unfettered central planning, were undermined.
    17. "It demonstrates that criminals no longer follow the rules of combat we expect them to follow: limiting violence to intended targets, and not recklessly endangering innocent bystanders," the study says.
    18. Defense attorney Rikki Klieman contended that the Twitchells, far from acting recklessly, sought the only real cure dictated by their beliefs.
    19. "A court order is the law and companies bound by a decree are not free to deliberately or recklessly disregard that decree," Rill said.
    20. The investors charge, among other things, that the trustee "acted in bad faith and exercised its judgment recklessly or negligently."
    21. Chicago Magnet and its executives were indicted by a Chicago grand jury on charges of "knowingly and recklessly" failing to protect workers from hazardous chemicals, allowing injuries to 42 employees.
    22. The court would also have to decide whether Mr. Simon had acted inadvertently or "recklessly or with intent to deceive."
    23. Five officials of Chicago Magnet Wire Corp. await trial on charges of recklessly injuring 42 workers by exposing them to toxic chemicals, extreme heat and other unsafe conditions at a wire-coating plant.
    24. The state then charged Jay with aggravated manslaughter, meaning it would have to prove he "recklessly" caused Jason's death "under circumstances manifesting extreme indifference to human life."
    25. Goetsch is also charged with recklessly endangering his father's safety during a struggle that allegedly ensued seconds after Mrs. Goetsch's death.
    26. Bankers, particularly in Houston and Dallas, understood energy loans and could have survived had they not moved recklessly into real estate speculation, which they did not understand, he said.
    27. Chad also is charged with recklessly endangering safety for pointing a second arrow at his father and fighting with him after Mrs. Goetsch was shot.
    28. Some trains were "recklessly stormed" by impatient travelers who filled the cars two or three times over capacity, the official ADN news agency reported.
    29. Suspect new millionaires, like Alan Bond, borrowed recklessly to build up prestigious art collections which they hoped would add lustre to their business empires.
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