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 rankle ['ræŋkl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vi. 化脓, 怨恨

vt. 使怨恨

    [ verb ]
    gnaw into; make resentful or angry
    <verb.emotion> eat into fret grate
    The injustice rankled herhis resentment festered

    Rankle \Ran"kle\ (r[a^][ng]"k'l), v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Rankled}
    (-k'ld); p. pr. & vb. n. {Rankling} (-kl[i^]ng).] [From
    {Rank}, a.]
    1. To become, or be, rank; to grow rank or strong; to be
    inflamed; to fester; -- used literally and figuratively.

    A malady that burns and rankles inward. --Rowe.

    This would have left a rankling wound in the hearts
    of the people. --Burke.

    2. To produce a festering or inflamed effect; to cause a
    sore; -- used literally and figuratively; as, a splinter
    rankles in the flesh; the words rankled in his bosom.

    Rankle \Ran"kle\ (r[a^][ng]"k'l), v. t.
    To cause to fester; to make sore; to inflame. [R.] --Beau. &

    1. Mr. Faber's success eventually appeared to rankle Mr. Millard.
    2. The Allies' postwar rights can still occasionally rankle.
    3. Most voters realize that a President can't be on top of every action or rule emerging from the executive branch. However, all these things inevitably become magnified and rankle in the absence of any larger, offsetting presidential offensive.
    4. The move announced Tuesday by the telephone giant to increase circulation of the card was bound to further rankle banks, which view AT&T as an invader chipping away at one of their most profitable areas, credit-card income.
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