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 ranks 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. Open ranks; an open weave.
  2. Soldiers opening ranks.

  1. Three securities firms joined the elite ranks of primary dealers in U.S. government securities, but it's equally significant that Yamaichi Securities Co. of Japan didn't make the list.
  2. With just 3,000 employees, the service is smaller than the New York City Police Department, Morris said, yet its ranks are stationed in every U.S. judicial district from Guam to the Virgin Islands.
  3. Now Pope John Paul II ranks as the world's number-one jet-setter, a supersonic pilgrim whose frequent-flyer mileage on more than 40 journeys outside Italy would take him to the moon and halfway back.
  4. Based on number of stores, the acquisition ranks as the largest for Blockbuster, which has been growing at a torrid pace in recent years.
  5. Likewise, many cautious funds often conduct extra growth sorties into the ranks of medium-sized and smaller companies. Both factors can change a fund's risk and character considerably.
  6. In the largely white and conservative ranks of utility executives, the fact that Sheri Lynise Jackson is black caused at least as great a stir as the fact that she is 25 years old.
  7. For example, it ranks sixth in the world in arms exports, which bring in about $1 billion a year.
  8. Progressives from the lower ranks of the Communist Party are mounting an open challenge in the powerful Central Committee, demanding a multiparty system and a virtual apology for decades of totalitarian rule.
  9. Divisions within guerrilla ranks, however, could prolong a civil war that already has ravaged the country for nearly 11 years.
  10. He rose through the LDP ranks, learning the rules of political favors and cash politics.
  11. Illinois Company Investments had been trimming its ranks until last summer.
  12. As the newest senator, Karnes, who is seeking election this year, ranks last in seniority among the current members.
  13. British wine journalism is still informed by the notion that the writer's job is to demystify this curious foreign beast called wine and swell the ranks of wine drinkers.
  14. "It is ironic and disturbing that an organization devoted to protecting the public's interest paid so little attention to illegal discriminatory activities within its own ranks," Kemp said.
  15. He has shaken up NCR's strait-laced executive ranks.
  16. In a statement before a military court of honor that stripped the accused of military ranks and decorations, Ochoa said he deserved to die for betraying Castro and the revolution.
  17. Guerrillas say half are from the ranks of Kabul's elite Tsarandoy police and half from the Khad state security force.
  18. Italy then broke ranks, arguing it was not worth having.
  19. The acquisition would vault Cincinnati-based Future Now into the ranks of the nation's top 10 computer resellers, with pro forma 1991 sales volume of approximately $350 million.
  20. With more than $1 million, he is a leader in the ranks of 164 House veterans who escape a 1979 ethics law banning personal use of leftover campaign funds, thanks to a controversial "grandfather clause" exempting those elected before 1980.
  21. But the four rural telephone groups, despite differences in their members' interests, have closed ranks against the administration's assault on "profane profits" at many REA borrowers.
  22. The battle of Kursk, in 1943, was the largest tank engagement in history, and ranks with the more famous battle of Stalingrad as a decisive defeat for the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union in World War II.
  23. Ghitac also said he intended to open strictly ethnic Romanian police ranks to members of the Hungarian and German minorities.
  24. The legislation largely tracks the military blueprint but breaks ranks with the authorization bill on several issues.
  25. S&P ranks the bonds at CCC and Moody's puts them at B, giving the debt junk-bond status.
  26. In terms of research capacity, Copenhagen ranks 12th in Europe; Malmo and the university town of Lund rank 30th.
  27. Few critics or administrators today would break ranks intellectually from this orthodoxy.
  28. Another contributing factor is the recession, which is swelling the ranks of welfare recipients, who are automatically eligible for Medicaid.
  29. Czechoslovakia and Romania have now closed ranks with Hungary's reformers and Poland's Solidarity-led government, which have called for an end to trade based on fixed quotas and prices, barter and a non'chnvertible currency _ the Soviet ruble.
  30. As this, too, becomes impossible, the ranks of the unemployed will provide fertile ground for JVP recruiters.
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