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 quitclaim ['kwitkleim]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 放弃权利

vt. 放弃权利

[法] 放弃要求, 放弃权利, 转让契约

    [ noun ]
    1. document transferring title or right or claim to another

    2. <noun.communication>
    3. act of transferring a title or right or claim to another

    4. <noun.act>

    Quitclaim \Quit"claim`\ (kw[i^]t"kl[=a]m`), n. [Quit, a. +
    claim.] (Law)
    A release or relinquishment of a claim; a deed of release; an
    instrument by which some right, title, interest, or claim,
    which one person has, or is supposed to have, in or to an
    estate held by himself or another, is released or
    relinquished, the grantor generally covenanting only against
    persons who claim under himself.

    Quitclaim \Quit"claim`\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Quitclaimed}
    (kw[i^]t"kl[=a]md`); p. pr. & vb. n. {Quitclaiming}.] (Law)
    To release or relinquish a claim to; to release a claim to by
    deed, without covenants of warranty against adverse and
    paramount titles.

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