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 quite [kwait]   添加此单词到默认生词本
ad. 相当, 完全, 十分

    [ adv ]
    1. to a degree (not used with a negative)

    2. <adv.all>
      quite tasty
      quite soon
      quite ill
      quite rich
    3. to the greatest extent; completely

    4. <adv.all>
      you're quite right
      she was quite alone
      was quite mistaken
      quite the opposite
      not quite finished
      did not quite make it
    5. of an unusually noticeable or exceptional or remarkable kind (not used with a negative)

    6. <adv.all>
      her victory was quite something
      she's quite a girl
      quite a film
      quite a walk
      we've had quite an afternoon
    7. actually or truly or to an extreme

    8. <adv.all>
      was quite a sudden change
      it's quite the thing to do
      quite the rage
      Quite so!

    Quite \Quite\ (kw[imac]t), v. t. & i.
    See {Quit}. [Obs.] --Chaucer.

    Quite \Quite\ (kw[imac]t), adv. [F. quitte discharged, free,
    clear; cf. OF. quitement freely, frankly, entirely. See
    {Quit}, a.]
    1. Completely; wholly; entirely; totally; perfectly; as, the
    work is not quite done; the object is quite accomplished;
    to be quite mistaken.

    Man shall not quite be lost, but saved who will.

    The same actions may be aimed at different ends, and
    arise from quite contrary principles. --Spectator.

    2. To a great extent or degree; very; very much;
    considerably. ``Quite amusing.'' --Macaulay.

    He really looks quite concerned. --Landor.

    The island stretches along the land and is quite
    close to it. --Jowett
    (Thucyd. ).

    1. That would be quite impossible without either uncounted cash subsidies or uncounted in-kind aid that frees up cash that otherwise would be needed for necessities.
    2. The harvest has been quite good.
    3. We have significantly good ensembles, quite apart from LCDT or Rambert Dance: Lloyd Newson's DV8; Phoenix Dance; Kim Brandstrup's Arc Dance (with no subsidy), Laurie Booth and Russell Maliphant, Yolande Snaith, all produce fine work.
    4. Mr Sean Henry, administrative director of Lastolite, a photographic equipment company based in Coalville, Leicestershire, said: 'In Germany it's quite common for a bank manager to be on the board.
    5. Movie mogul Raymond Chow recalls his initial response to a suggestion he produce a film called "Teen-Age Mutant Ninja Turtles." "It's quite impossible!
    6. About half were in their 70s and 80s, and half were quite young." He found other homes for about 16 nuns, but said the four elders refused to separate from the community.
    7. Gross investment actually has been quite strong for the past five years, but bigger depreciation allowances keep net investment relatively low.
    8. Divorcees, for instance, weren't married but didn't quite feel single.
    9. However, bidding was quite spirited for many major works, and records were set for nine artists.
    10. He was that way before, and why I don't quite know," said Corlies Smith, who was instrumental in publishing one of Pynchon's first stories in the early 1960s.
    11. Indeed, the band had learned all the songs on Michael Jackson's "Bad" album, a special favorite of the Princess of Wales, but decided hits like "Dirty Diana" weren't quite right for the occasion.
    12. "It plugs quite a few gaps," said Barbara Conway, a spokeswoman for the new regulatory system.
    13. Trouble is, most players in the broad "average" range (and a lot of quite excellent players, too) are so far from that ideal that we couldn't be nudged there with a bulldozer.
    14. He is still quite capable of living down to his poor image.
    15. There's quite a lot of feeling that the Black Watch and Argylls should have been disbanded - they're no Highlanders.'
    16. 'The evidence is we have controlled it quite well.'
    17. Melanie Griffith has finally found her niche and is quite believable as Maria Ruskin, a manipulating bubblehead.
    18. The experience of both writing at the same time turned out quite well, Carpenter said during a recent interview at the couple's Fifth Avenue apartment, a well-lighted, book-filled home.
    19. It is quite natural for the corporate sector to take a lead.' But such initiatives cut little ice with the FoE, which views market environmentalism as an inherently flawed concept.
    20. This is one of those essays that most of us know is important but cannot quite understand.
    21. Says David Doubilet, an underwater photographer for National Geographic magazine: "Sharks, to be quite honest, are cold fish."
    22. Complaints about the "tarmac campaign" and states that were ignored are quite visible.
    23. But he suggested that JCB should be watching out for its own backyard, where Visa is doing quite well.
    24. He added: "The administration finds the current course of monetary policy quite adequate."
    25. "From the start it is going quite well," said Amarbayasgolam, an observer from the Mongolian Democratic Party, the largest opposition party.
    26. But JAL has been flying abroad for decades and is much better known internationally. On overseas routes, "our ability to attract non-Japanese traffic is quite inferior to JAL's," Mr. Yoshikawa says.
    27. Some other researchers agree: "I think it's quite legitimate to call Collaborative's work a genome map," says Ronald Davis, a researcher at Stanford University.
    28. Many assume - quite wrongly as it turns out - that the taste must be caused by the same water that was having so much effect on my tea.
    29. "Expectations that the United States will make a further move to relax its monetary policy no longer are affecting the Tokyo market because it has been expected for quite some time already," Ikeda said.
    30. But as long as the economy remains resilient, the bond market will remain in a slump, and that could be for quite a while."
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