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 qualifications 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 资格,条件

  1. What sort of qualifications do you need for the job?
  2. He's got all the right qualifications but is temperamentally unsuitable.

  1. Sen. Kennedy stressed a central point both in the committee room and before the full Senate: The Senate is to assess qualifications; it is not to examine political or judicial philosophy.
  2. However, the gradings do not appear in the league tables so the performance of schools and colleges cannot be compared. The tables highlight the extent to which vocational qualifications are the preserve of sixth-form and further-education colleges.
  3. Recent media reports said authorities had shut down unofficial religious schools and taken action against Moslem imams who violated laws against proselytizing by stripping them of their religious qualifications.
  4. NBC has pulled an ad for the miniseries "Favorite Son" showing a character questioning the qualifications of a senator being considered as a vice presidential candidate.
  5. It could also be made easier for people to sub-divide NVQs by doing a core qualification and then adding more sophisticated options. The upgrading of vocational qualifications remains in its infancy in Britain.
  6. The administration wants a professional regulator to head the Office of Thrift Supervision, rather than an appointee whose chief qualifications are political connections, according to an industry source, who spoke Tuesday on condition of anonymity.
  7. Fiske has been the object of conservative criticism for the role he played in screening the professional qualifications of judicial candidates for the American Bar Association.
  8. Sens. Paul Sarbanes, D-Md., Albert Gore, D-Tenn., and other Democrats have complained that the appointees lack sufficient qualifications beyond their financial and political connections.
  9. But voters expressed reservations about the qualifications and background of the 41-year-old Quayle, who has faced a barrage of questions about his enrollment in the National Guard during the height of the Vietnam War.
  10. Handschuch said the handful of government labor advisers at the camp can do little to verify either the prospective employee's qualifications or the employer's working conditions.
  11. I feel that I have worked very hard in the area of arms control." LLOYD BENTSEN, the Democratic vice presidential nominee, on Quayle's qualifications: "Now, I wouldn't say that he couldn't grow into the job; he probably could.
  12. The conservatives also accused Fiske of using ideological criteria to rate the professional qualifications of Reagan's nominees.
  13. Tony Broderick, head of regulation and certification for the Federal Aviation Administration, said Northeast Jet, operating as Personal Jet Services, met rigorous FAA qualifications to gain a new certificate.
  14. "I declined to use the pictures in my story because I thought it was silly, because I didn't think it had anything to do with his qualifications to be president," Schieffer said.
  15. It can thus reasonably be kept aware of the necessary qualifications for membership of the various European clubs.
  16. "We will not be satisfied with allowing special interests to determine the qualifications to serve on our country's highest court," he asserted.
  17. She says she has received the same business and finance qualifications as her friends but a better training for the world of work.
  18. And the yardsticks he criticised are formal educational qualifications.
  19. With Drew Lewis and Paul Laxalt turning down the job, the administration was able to come up with an appointee who has highly plausible qualifications to serve in the presidency itself.
  20. He said he also will seek to rally opposition against nominees whose non-political qualifications to represent the United States abroad are thin.
  21. It makes me sympathise with John Major's distrust of paper qualifications.
  22. The FBI is conducting a background check and the American Bar Association's judicial screening committee is interviewing lawyers to assess Boudin's qualifications.
  23. Jackson has continued to talk about his own qualifications as a running mate for Dukakis.
  24. Among freshmen with the same qualifications, ties are broken by the population of the state from which a senator is elected.
  25. Those attractions are enhanced at a time of few job opportunities for young people with no qualifications. There will be disagreements over the weight to be assigned to each of these and to many other relevant factors.
  26. Quayle, interviewed outside his suburban McLean, Va., home Sunday night, said he was undisturbed by the questions that Dukakis raised about his qualifications.
  27. A bankruptcy-law filing alone "is not a reason for delisting a company from Nasdaq," John L. Jacobs, the system's qualifications manager, says.
  28. Family councils can be an excellent forum for determining the ideal number and qualifications of board members, family or non-family, thus increasing the board's professionalism and effectiveness.
  29. The president would not respond to questions by reporters on a soon-to-be-released FBI report on the qualifications of former Sen. John Tower to be defense secretary. "We're not going to have any press questions.
  30. In the US pay has grown more unequal even among employees with the same qualifications in the same industries subject to the same labour laws.
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