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 qualified ['kwɒlifaid]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 有资格的

[经] 合格的, 有条件的, 有限制的

    [ adj ]
    1. meeting the proper standards and requirements and training for an office or position or task

    2. <adj.all>
      many qualified applicants for the job
    3. limited or restricted; not absolute

    4. <adj.all>
      gave only qualified approval
    5. holding appropriate documentation and officially on record as qualified to perform a specified function or practice a specified skill

    6. <adj.all>
      a registered pharmacist
      a registered hospital
    7. restricted in meaning; (as e.g. `man' in `a tall man')

    8. <adj.all>
    9. contingent on something else

    10. <adj.all>

    Qualified \Qual"i*fied\, a.
    1. Fitted by accomplishments or endowments.

    2. Modified; limited; as, a qualified statement.

    {Qualified fee} (Law), a base fee, or an estate which has a
    qualification annexed to it, the fee ceasing with the
    qualification, as a grant to A and his heirs, tenants of
    the manor of Dale.

    {Qualified indorsement} (Law), an indorsement which modifies
    the liability of the indorser that would result from the
    general principles of law, but does not affect the
    negotiability of the instrument. --Story.

    {Qualified negative} (Legislation), a limited veto power, by
    which the chief executive in a constitutional government
    may refuse assent to bills passed by the legislative body,
    which bills therefore fail to become laws unless upon a
    reconsideration the legislature again passes them by a
    certain majority specified in the constitution, when they
    become laws without the approval of the executive.

    {Qualified property} (Law), that which depends on temporary
    possession, as that in wild animals reclaimed, or as in
    the case of a bailment.

    Syn: Competent; fit; adapted.

    Usage: {Qualified}, {Competent}. Competent is most commonly
    used with respect to native endowments and general
    ability suited to the performance of a task or duty;
    qualified with respect to specific acquirements and

    Qualify \Qual"i*fy\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Qualified}; p. pr. &
    vb. n. {Qualifying}.] [F. qualifier, LL. qualificare, fr. L.
    qualis how constituted, as + -ficare (in comp.) to make. See
    {Quality}, and {-Fy}.]
    1. To make such as is required; to give added or requisite
    qualities to; to fit, as for a place, office, occupation,
    or character; to furnish with the knowledge, skill, or
    other accomplishment necessary for a purpose; to make
    capable, as of an employment or privilege; to supply with
    legal power or capacity.

    He had qualified himself for municipal office by
    taking the oaths to the sovereigns in possession.

    2. To give individual quality to; to modulate; to vary; to

    It hath no larynx . . . to qualify the sound. --Sir
    T. Browne.

    3. To reduce from a general, undefined, or comprehensive
    form, to particular or restricted form; to modify; to
    limit; to restrict; to restrain; as, to qualify a
    statement, claim, or proposition.

    4. Hence, to soften; to abate; to diminish; to assuage; to
    reduce the strength of, as liquors.

    I do not seek to quench your love's hot fire,
    But qualify the fire's extreme rage. --Shak.

    5. To soothe; to cure; -- said of persons. [Obs.]

    In short space he has them qualified. --Spenser.

    Syn: To fit; equip; prepare; adapt; capacitate; enable;
    modify; soften; restrict; restrain; temper.

    1. The 1986 law limits this work to people certified as qualified by the EPA, which set forth training requirements in last year's regulation.
    2. The remaining operators will undergo an "extensive assessment process" to determine whether they are qualified to return to their jobs, the company said.
    3. In resorts where the groomed runs are at their most dangerous, skiing off-piste with a qualified guide can be a safer option.
    4. In the one-store hamlet of Spotted Horse, former roustabout Craig McGee, a slight man in scuffed boots and torn jeans, downs a beer and reviews his job search: tried to get hired as a dogcatcher but wasn't qualified, tried for a jailer's job but failed.
    5. "We have to make it easier for investors to get qualified" to purchase bank assets, Mr. Young said.
    6. Mirecki was counseled, given a medical examination and found "not physically qualified" for the course because of a phobia of being held under water.
    7. "They are led by Abu Ibrahim, a qualified engineer," Eitan was quoted as telling the newspaper. "In the early days Ibrahim received all his financial support from Iraqi intelligence, who continue to provide him with cash and premises.
    8. Brae Corp. said its auditor will issue a qualified opinion on the company's financial statement for the fiscal year ended Dec. 31, because of concern over obligations associated with the company's troubled electric sign subsidiary.
    9. Finding qualified managers is the biggest concern of small U.S. companies, which usually can't spare managers from the home office.
    10. The Tribal Appellate Court ordered FMC to choose qualified Indians for 75 percent of new jobs and all new promotions, give local Indians one-third of all training opportunities, and pay a $100,000 annual fee.
    11. White said the proper comparison is between the racial composition of the skilled jobs and the racial composition of the qualified population in the relevant labor market.
    12. "It shouldn't be enough that he is minimally qualified," he said.
    13. It must become an actual qualified residence on the day it's ready for occupancy.
    14. Judge Robert Bork is the most qualified American alive to serve on the Supreme Court.
    15. Mrs. Marcus noted that in the 1950s, Mrs. Mandela qualified to become South Africa's first black woman social worker.
    16. Many will want to catch up on education they missed while fighting for Spear of the Nation, the ANC military wing, but black schools are overcrowded, qualified teachers are rare and violence has disrupted classes for years.
    17. He welcomed a statement last week by bank regulators saying that banks should keep making loans to qualified customers.
    18. Peoples' health, and its good standing with regulators, will help it keep growing because there are few qualified buyers of troubled banks.
    19. "Universities talk about being accessible to all who are qualified," said John Hill, assistant dean of the graduate college at Ball State.
    20. His abilities as a manager and the robust economy of his state have been cornerstones of Dukakis' campaign to convince voters he is the most qualified presidential candidate.
    21. The report also faulted Bush for failing to live up to promises to appoint more qualified women and minorities to the federal bench.
    22. While the foreign investigators were free to pursue truths about THA and gain vital experience, over a dozen applications by qualified Americans remain on hold, this writer's among them.
    23. The consumer products company also said Friday it welcomed any proposals or plans of reorganization from qualified buyers, opening the door to a Los Angeles investor interested in purchasing the company.
    24. But qualified, he quickly added, to be "one heartbeat away" from the presidency.
    25. It did not demand his replacement but called for appointing qualified U.A.E. nationals in leadership positions at the university.
    26. Silber, on leave as president of Boston University, qualified for the primary by a razor-thin margin of 22 votes in the first round of balloting.
    27. It is still basically using diagnostic procedures to find out what is wrong." Demand for qualified mechanics is high, particularly in rural areas.
    28. Mrs. Brandon and subcommittee investigators said the school also submitted loan applications on behalf of students who were not qualified by education to receive federal aid.
    29. Like other high-tech companies, Alcatel Bell was attracted to Shanghai by the large number of technically qualified graduates emerging from its universities.
    30. The company has charged that Ms. DePierri, a social worker, defrauded its employee health plan by billing for treatment she was not qualified to provide.
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