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 psyche ['saɪkɪ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 灵魂, 精神, 普赛克(希腊神话中人类灵魂的化身)

[医] 精神, 心灵

    [ noun ]
    1. that which is responsible for one's thoughts and feelings; the seat of the faculty of reason

    2. <noun.cognition>
      his mind wandered
      I couldn't get his words out of my head
    3. the immaterial part of a person; the actuating cause of an individual life

    4. <noun.person>
    5. (Greek mythology) a beautiful princess loved by Cupid who visited her at night and told her she must not try to see him; became the personification of the soul

    6. <noun.person>

    Psyche \Psy"che\, n. [L., fr. Gr. PSychh` Psyche, fr. psychh`
    the soul.]
    1. (Class Myth.) A lovely maiden, daughter of a king and
    mistress of Eros, or Cupid. She is regarded as the
    personification of the soul.

    2. The soul; the vital principle; the mind.

    3. [F. psych['e].] A cheval glass.

    1. They reflect a different history - the US economic psyche was scarred by the Great Depression rather than by hyper-inflation.
    2. Yet, as every tourist knows, much of France's population is spread out across the country in small towns and villages, making up the treasured monde rurale whose well-being is dear to the French psyche.
    3. "Macbeth is not as old as I am. When you're over 50, vaulting ambition is no longer part of your psyche.
    4. Less clear, but related, is the question of how the hubbub will affect the psyche of Tyson, the not-quite-22-year-old who is favored to win the coming fisticuffs.
    5. Even merchants who say the effect of the stabbing on the community psyche has been overblown acknowledge it is still on the minds of many.
    6. Last season was his first, and the team protected his tender psyche with a heavily run-oriented attack.
    7. Gatt is obscurity squared. The deeper answer is that bilateral pacts, such as the planned agreement with Mexico, are more acceptable to the aggressive American psyche that the abstract logic of multilateral trade liberalisation.
    8. I mean, when your peers see you like that, in my mind, it could almost destroy a kid's psyche." The boy's hands were tied behind his back, his face was painted blue and a cardboard pig nose made from an egg carton was taped to his head.
    9. I AM convinced there is something in the British psyche that despises democracy.
    10. Will computers really become part of our psyche? Those who doubt it will find this an interesting story, well written in the American journalist's style and refreshingly free from jargon.
    11. Material in the archives "shows the transformation of the human psyche during the Nazi occupation," said Hilberg. "The drastic nature of the German occupation was such that the effect on the population was dramatic.
    12. "By the end of the summer, I'm sure they are going to have one. I just have to psyche myself up about cats." Climber's sit-in drew the attention of a Lowell cable television station.
    13. The police suspect Lambert may be committing the crimes, so they enlist a young psychologist (Diane Lane) to probe his psyche.
    14. The wacky premise here is that as Herman (William Ragsdale), a young researcher in a Time-like organization, faces all the big and small crises in his life, we get to watch the different facets of his psyche warring over what direction he should take.
    15. This reaches deep into the psyche of many Hindus.
    16. That would be seen by the voters as losing a war, something alien to the British psyche.
    17. Gorbachev has told religious leaders that they, too, have a place in the Communist-led healing of the nation's psyche.
    18. For 50 years, one image of the map of Europe had been branded into our collective psyche.
    19. There is a danger of going completely cuckoo.' If you were to hold a cuckoo theory would it be that certain sounds, combinations or pitches can reach certain parts of the human psyche? 'Of the human spirit, not psyche.
    20. There is a danger of going completely cuckoo.' If you were to hold a cuckoo theory would it be that certain sounds, combinations or pitches can reach certain parts of the human psyche? 'Of the human spirit, not psyche.
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