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 psychic ['saikik]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 灵魂的, 精神的, 心灵的

n. 巫师, 灵物, 心灵现象

[医] 精神的, 心理学

  1. Development of a physical disorder or illness resulting from psychic, rather than physiological, factors.
  2. A period of life characterized by physiological and psychic change that marks the end of the reproductive capacity of women and terminates with the completion of menopause.

[ noun ]
  1. a person apparently sensitive to things beyond the natural range of perception

  2. <noun.person>
[ adj ]
  1. affecting or influenced by the human mind

  2. <adj.all>
    psychic energy
    psychic trauma
  3. outside the sphere of physical science

  4. <adj.all>
    psychic phenomena

Psychic \Psy"chic\, Psychical \Psy"chic*al\, a. [L. psychicus,
Gr. ?, fr. psychh` the soul, mind; cf. ? to blow: cf. F.
1. Of or pertaining to the human soul, or to the living
principle in man.

Note: This term was formerly used to express the same idea as
psychological. Recent metaphysicians, however, have
employed it to mark the difference between psychh` the
living principle in man, and pney^ma the rational or
spiritual part of his nature. In this use, the word
describes the human soul in its relation to sense,
appetite, and the outer visible world, as distinguished
from spiritual or rational faculties, which have to do
with the supersensible world. --Heyse.

2. Of or pertaining to the mind, or its functions and
diseases; mental; -- contrasted with {physical}.

{Psychical blindness}, {Psychical deafness} (Med.), forms of
nervous disease in which, while the senses of sight and
hearing remain unimpaired, the mind fails to appreciate
the significance of the sounds heard or the images seen.

{Psychical contagion}, the transference of disease,
especially of a functional nervous disease, by mere force
of example.

{Psychical medicine}, that department of medicine which
treats of mental diseases.

  1. Despite such assurances, many Czechoslovaks suffer the psychic scars of the last 40 years and are finding it hard to shed their fears.
  2. Recently, Mr. Churpek had to listen patiently as a self-professed psychic rambled on about his knowledge of "intimate phenomena" and his telepathic ability to find missing persons.
  3. The flops of 1992 included a drama on BBC1 called Moon And Son in which Millicent Martin played the psychic owner of a market stall whose son was also in the business.
  4. "Tanya wants you to lighten up," said pet psychic Carol Gurney.
  5. Japanese novelist Tamio Kageyama needed some advice when writing "Borneo Hotel," a book about an American student with psychic powers who was trying to identify spirits surrounding a hotel on a lonely island.
  6. It was followed in seventh by "Second Sight," the psychic comedy featuring Bronson Pinchot and John Larroquette. "Second Sight" returned $1.5 million.
  7. Trying to make contact with his girlfriend, he spots a storefront sign, "Contact the Dearly Departed for $20," and hooks up with a fake psychic played by Ms. Goldberg.
  8. Three years ago he was sued (unsuccessfully) by a psychic who said he came to her for financial advice.
  9. It follows the numbers even when the psychic pain of going against the crowd is excruciating to the managers.
  10. The character played by William Sadler is especially chilling, and always a welcome relief from the maunderings of the psychic.
  11. He says he now receives direct psychic messages from the guru.
  12. It conducts question-and-answer sessions with the "psychic counselor," and pushes people to "dance with the stars" right there on the pavement.
  13. It tells of management brilliance and management failures, of sexual peccadillos and such goofiness as putting a psychic on the network payroll.
  14. The treatments also included sensory deprivation and what Cameron called "psychic driving" _ the repeated playing of recorded messages into a patient's ear for 16 hours.
  15. Some people can predict future events by actual psychic power, not just by intuition; 28 percent agreed.
  16. The lush pastures of Illinois horse country may seem an unlikely setting for a psychic healer with a crystal wand, but some of the horsey set swear by her special knack with their prized thoroughbreds.
  17. Herbst has created a computer program that she said is superior to the old ways because it removes the psychic's personal views and prejudices from the process.
  18. "In this sense," he says, "the psychic liquidity of housing wealth can drop more sharply than average house prices themselves and can rebound more rapidly than house prices themselves.
  19. LuLu was feeling fine, the psychic said, but forget another pooch.
  20. They say the incumbent could be vulnerable because of his age, the historic difficulties that Foreign Relations Committee chairmen have faced and his passionate interest in psychic phenomena.
  21. He says he discovered his psychic abilities at age four when he was eating soup and his spoon curled up.
  22. The desperate families had been distributing fliers and even consulting a psychic in their efforts to find the boys, ages 13 and 14.
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