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 prostitution [`prɑstə'tjuʃən]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 卖淫, 糟蹋, 滥用

[法] 卖淫, 滥用

    [ noun ]
    offering sexual intercourse for pay

    Prostitution \Pros`ti*tu"tion\, n. [L. prostitutio: cf. F.
    1. The act or practice of prostituting or offering the body
    to an indiscriminate intercourse with men; common lewdness
    of a woman.

    2. The act of setting one's self to sale, or of devoting to
    infamous purposes what is in one's power; as, the
    prostitution of abilities; the prostitution of the press.
    ``Mental prostitution.'' --Byron.

    1. Under the 1989 law, which San Francisco Municipal Court began enforcing Tuesday, anyone convicted of prostitution or solicitation must be tested for the HIV virus and receive counseling.
    2. At 16, she had become a runaway supporting herself and her drug habit with prostitution.
    3. Mr. Downie argues that the Post wrote about the prostitution ring in May and that a story, in answer to the Times' disclosures starting June 29, appeared in the Post's metro section July 1.
    4. When the Barbary Coast of San Francisco was racked by prostitution, drugs and murder in the late 19th century, Oakland was known as the Athens of the West for its superior private schools.
    5. Those hanged in Tehran "were involved for years in drug trafficking and organized prostitution," said a statement by the Islamic Revolutionary Court, which handed down the sentences, IRNA reported.
    6. Others join crime syndicates involved in gambling, narcotics and prostitution, either by guaranteeing them virtual immunity from arrest or, in some cases, serving as bodyguards for mob leaders.
    7. They rejected one proposal to force doctors to report AIDS patients and to make it a felony for persons who know they have the disease to donate blood or engage in prostitution.
    8. He said he fired Gobie in August 1987 after learning that Gobie was running a prostitution ring out of Frank's Capitol Hill apartment.
    9. Deteriorating economic conditions have forced women to turn to begging, prostitution and other "quasi-legal and illicit activities" in India, Peru and several African nations, according to a UNICEF study.
    10. The Touchstone Picture was produced by Arnon Milchan and Steven Reuther and is rated R for language and prostitution.
    11. The government has proposed the death penalty for people who smuggle women out of the country and sell them into prostitution.
    12. In the taped conversations, Mr. Traficant discusses taking several payments from both mob factions in return for giving them a free hand in drug trafficking, prostitution, gambling and loan sharking.
    13. At the same time C4 repeats the episode of Inspector Morse in which the Jag driving ale enthusiast investigates the death of a deaconess. BBC1's Inside Story penetrates the murky world of prostitution in the Paddington area of London (9.30).
    14. And so it has gone in the 10 months local, state and federal authorities have tracked the deaths of nine women and disappearances of two others, all of them linked with Weld Square, a district known for drugs and prostitution.
    15. The City Council has unanimously approved an ordinance banning beepers in all public and private schools, a move educators hope will put a dent in drug sales and prostitution.
    16. Frank has said he employed Gobie, who has a history of involvement with male prostitution and drugs, with hopes of reforming him.
    17. Ritter brought Warner to New York from New Orleans in February after the young man told the priest he wanted to escape prostitution.
    18. We have to dry the market up." Police say bleached bones uncovered in the desert near the site where the bodies of five young women were found buried are those of a woman who had a history of drug and prostitution arrests.
    19. Similarities exist among the cases: _Most victims were strangled, had backgrounds in prostitution or drug use and were transients.
    20. Palestinians killed by other Arabs were accused of dealing in drugs or prostitution, or of being Israeli informants, which Moslem fundamentalist groups consider crimes against the uprising.
    21. Gobie has alleged that he used Frank's Capitol Hill apartment for prostitution with the legislator's knowledge.
    22. Purdy also was charged with possession of marijuana, receiving stolen property and prostitution, but police said charges either were dropped or they did not know the disposition of the case.
    23. The number of venereal disease cases in China has quadrupled annually in recent years because of increased prostitution, sexual freedom and contacts with the outside world, China's official news agency said Wednesday.
    24. Milwaukee's West End Community Association, a community group, has long urged stiffer penalties for crimes involving prostitution, especially punishment that focuses on the customer.
    25. The tactic has been used for more than a year because it is difficult to make prostitution arrests, he said.
    26. Ms. Estes was a Federal Way resident with prior contacts with King County and Seattle police for prostitution and theft.
    27. The first seven victims had been involved in prostitution or drugs in New Bedford's Weld Square area, according to family members and police.
    28. Bush told the women's group those youths had spoken to him about drugs, prostitution "and hopelessness." "It was tragic.
    29. She said the United States has fought against slavery but not against forced prostitution or the sex tourism business.
    30. Police closed four massage parlors linked to prostitution and arrested 13 people on Hainan, a remote southern island that has recently drawn investors and tourists, a newspaper said Monday.
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