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 protagonist [pro'tægənɪst]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 主人公, 主角, 领导者

    [ noun ]
    1. a person who backs a politician or a team etc.

    2. <noun.person>
      all their supporters came out for the game
      they are friends of the library
    3. the principal character in a work of fiction

    4. <noun.person>

    Protagonist \Pro*tag"o*nist\, n. [Gr. prwtagonisth`s; prw^tos
    first + 'agonisth`s an actor, combatant, fr. 'agw`n a
    One who takes the leading part in a drama; hence, one who
    takes lead in some great scene, enterprise, conflict, or the

    Shakespeare, the protagonist on the great of modern
    poetry. --De Quincey.

    1. Mrs. Bush merrily complied, asking about the name of the protagonist dog and the story's plot as the children chorused the answers.
    2. And I won't go away.' The appeal of uncomplicated domesticity is not lost on Daniel, Cambridge dropout and protagonist of Simon Corrigan's Sweets from Strangers.
    3. And since Guarnieri's tone was deliberately subdued (as opposed to the brilliant bravura of Ilaria Occhini as the mettlesome Marchesa), the confrontations were unequal. The title role was not the protagonist's.
    4. And at least I have a protagonist - sexy Harriet Costley - who bears not a flicker of resemblance to the current brood of sweaty, boiled-knuckled, post-feminist female investigators with whom publishers are enamoured.
    5. The punishment this slick thriller inflicts on its philandering protagonist played into AIDS anxiety and made the picture a hit.
    6. Like "The Salt Point," Christopher Osborn's lyrical, meditative "A Sense of Touch" (Harper & Row, 282 pages, $18.95) is a debut novel about concupiscence and commitment featuring a thirtyish gay protagonist.
    7. According to the blurb, Leith will be the protagonist of future tales.
    8. Oswald Beautiful Badger Going Over the Hill (it's shorter in Hopi), Mr. West's new protagonist, has an even harder time of things before reaching the level of self-discovery.
    9. The score was beautifully played here under George Manahan. On the vocal side this opera is, fittingly, a vehicle for the protagonist, and Jacque Trussel seized it with a fury of intensity.
    10. Winnie, the heroine of Samuel Beckett's Happy Days is visually almost as immobile as any protagonist since Aeschylus's Prometheus Bound: embedded in a mound of earth - in Act One up to her waist, in Act Two up to her neck.
    11. And he's tossed in all the elements: the coldly ambitious blonde (in fact, there are two of them), the malevolent cop, the despairing protagonist who finds himself swamped by the evil around him.
    12. Robert Zani, our protagonist, does more than just kill his mother.
    13. It didn't sound like the Amos Lee I knew." The story follows a nameless protagonist through four seasons of his high school senior year during the 1950s.
    14. As M begins his story, one wonders whether he is crazy, dreaming, on LSD, getting shock treatments or the protagonist of a science fiction story.
    15. Sir Winston quite naturally emerges as the protagonist of the book's early chapters.
    16. The down-and-out protagonist, Jack Shannon (played by Jamey Sheridan) is a disillusioned corporate attorney who leaves big business _ and hopefully, his gambling addiction _ to hang out his shingle in a blue-collar Philadelphia neighborhood.
    17. Chili Palmer, the offbeat protagonist in this fast-paced and cleverly plotted tale, comes to Hollywood with a more interesting "back story" than most.
    18. These are the futures, respectively, of the EC budget and of Mr Jacques Delors. Mr Delors has been the principal protagonist of 'more Europe' since his appointment in 1984.
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