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 prosthetic [prɑs'θɛtɪk]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 修复术的, 弥补性的, 非朊基的

[医] 修复的, 假体的

    [ adj ]
    1. of or relating to prosthetics

    2. <adj.pert>
    3. relating to or serving as a prosthesis

    4. <adj.pert>

    Prosthetic \Pros*thet"ic\, a. [Cf. Gr. ? disposed to add, ? put
    Of or pertaining to prosthesis; prefixed, as a letter or
    letters to a word.

    1. Nader told his audience how to watch out for fraud in prosthetic devices, telephone solicitations, prepared food and pharmaceuticals.
    2. The prosthetic hand will grip objects just tightly enough to pick them up. The wearer commands the prosthesis to close or to open by twitching two muscles in his upper arm.
    3. "I had a prosthetic belly button and this tentacle came out of it," Scarabelli said. "Kids thought it was so gross, but they loved it.
    4. The agency insisted that Cabot should stick, at least initially, to prosthetic liners.
    5. Though the 1987 agreement was aimed at artificial limbs and similar prosthetic devices, "I don't think there's much of that in there," said Smith.
    6. Most tools for old people "look like prosthetic devices, which normal people won't buy and the handicapped feel bad they have to buy," says Mr. Viemeister.
    7. "I also had a prosthetic device which was sculpted of rubber and took six hours to apply, gluing it to my skin.
    8. New prosthetic ankles permit users to engage in combinations of sports and more lifelike motion than in the past.
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