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 prizewinner ['praizwinә]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 得奖人

    1. Yasunari Kawabata was the previous Japanese prizewinner in 1968.
    2. Or try Syrup, a Cannes prizewinner in the Short and Curlies series (9.45pm, Channel 4), the engaging mini-fable of poor little Baldy George, who finds fulfilment one lunch-hour with the acquisition of a head of thatch.
    3. Berkeley then was the leading centre for particle physics and Schwartz joined the group around Luis Alvarez, later a Nobel prizewinner. 'It was top of the world, just one of those rare experiences.
    4. If they find themselves at dinner sitting next to a Nobel prizewinner they worry about what their conversation is like.' Neither man will say that the double helix was the climax of his career, that the rest had been less interesting.
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