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    [ noun ]
    1. an athlete who plays for pay

    2. <noun.person>
    3. an argument in favor of a proposal

    4. <noun.communication>
    [ adj ]
    1. in favor of (an action or proposal etc.)

    2. <adj.all>
      a pro vote
    [ adv ]
    1. in favor of a proposition, opinion, etc.

    2. <adv.all>

    Pro \Pro\, prep. [L.; akin to prae before, Gr. ?, and E. for.
    See {For}, prep., and cf. {Prior}, a.]
    A Latin preposition signifying for, before, forth.

    {Pro confesso} [L.] (Law), taken as confessed. The action of
    a court of equity on that portion of the pleading in a
    particular case which the pleading on the other side does
    not deny.

    {Pro rata}. [L. See {Prorate}.] In proportion; proportion.

    {Pro re nata} [L.] (Law), for the existing occasion; as
    matters are.

    Pro \Pro\, adv.
    For, on, or in behalf of, the affirmative side; -- in
    contrast with {con}.

    {Pro and con}, for and against, on the affirmative and on the
    negative side; as, they debated the question pro and con;
    -- formerly used also as a verb.

    {Pros and cons}, the arguments or reasons on either side.

    1. The chief chef was Williams, a nine-year pro veteran who has switched off with Jay Schroeder as the Redskins' signal-caller this season.
    2. A constant in the deals was that Milken promised illegal quid pro quos apparently to help clients or Drexel turn a profit.
    3. But the quid pro quo from provincial leaders must be an agreement now to implement reforms which will prevent another boom-bust cycle.
    4. But the measure would add the Senate president pro tempore to that list.
    5. Former pro football star John Matuszak died of an accidental overdose of a mild narcotic painkiller, the coroner said Tuesday in a report that also found non-lethal traces of cocaine in his system.
    6. Will you in fact be disappointed when the sun comes up tomorrow?" For some reason, this caused grumbling from scribes who took pro football as almost seriously as TV does.
    7. The acquisition would vault Cincinnati-based Future Now into the ranks of the nation's top 10 computer resellers, with pro forma 1991 sales volume of approximately $350 million.
    8. After all, at pro soccer matches in Israel, the fans are separated from the players, referees and each other by barbed wire, while in England the riot squad and ambulances are always on hand and often needed.
    9. Three days later, in a pro forma business meeting that took all of 10 minutes, the panel adopted them unanimously.
    10. That is exactly what he said." At another point Gray testified, "It sounded like a quid pro quo.
    11. When a PAC contributes heavily to a candidate's war chest, there is at very least an unspoken quid pro quo.
    12. Even before the offering, analysts were concerned that Smith Corona's balance sheet would remain highly leveraged, with pro forma debt totaling $95 million.
    13. But Mr. Wallach denies any such quid pro quo; there was no evidence he was ever offered any such post; and the conflict-of-interest law applies only to people who at some point actually hold federal office.
    14. He also permitted North's lawyers to introduce the names of Central American countries and Central American officials in documents that spell out quid pro quo arrangements with Honduras and other countries.
    15. I just want someone to talk to me and tell me what happened." Watson, the town's mayor pro tem, says he plans to invite Mrs. King to town to discuss her son's death.
    16. He also stressed Feinstein's political alliance with Assembly Speaker Willie Brown and Senate President pro tem David Roberti.
    17. "The notion there's been some kind of negotiations or quid pro quo" dealing with post-election agreements "is just total fantasy" Aronson said, in a telephone interview.
    18. Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pa., asked Tagliabue for a "flat commitment" that fans would not begin to be assessed a flat fee to view a broadcast of pro football's jewel, the Super Bowl.
    19. Mr. Hinchey has lined up tournaments and other sports outlets, including golf and tennis pro shops.
    20. Payments will be made on a pro rata basis, with the amount determined by the size of the losses.
    21. It usually asks for blank headed letter paper, and the company's address stamp on blank pro forma invoices from the Nigerian company, all signed; and the company's bank account. Advice: tear it up. THE STING There are two variants.
    22. Quayle said on CBS's "Face the Nation" that the Bush administration is "not using anyone to sit down and to negotiate on a quid pro quo basis with Iran" regarding release of the hostages.
    23. In a Securities and Exchange Commission filing in May, the company said it had 1986 pro forma profit of $21.9 million on sales of $732.5 million.
    24. It wasn't the Indianapolis 500, but Gov. Roy Romer took to the track like a pro in a red Corvette convertible to win his drag race against a police officer.
    25. "Golfers would have a heart attack if they had an emergency and had to run all the way back to our clubhouse," says Westwood golf pro David Lisle.
    26. His income above his $99,500 salary as president pro tempore of the Senate came mostly from interest on bank accounts.
    27. And pro coaches are judged on only one basis, their win-loss record. The cycle keeps repeating itself and a monster problem is growing." Noll expressed doubts that steroids actually benefit players.
    28. Most of the other countries are willing to parcel out any increase on a pro rata basis.
    29. At least 29 abortion-linked political action committees, pro and con, are registered with the Federal Election Commission.
    30. A pair of shoes costs Pounds 6 in a pro's shop. There is always someone in the clubhouse afterwards eager to introduce you to Officer's Choice beer, Indian rum or the club's famed chickpea curry. Letters of introduction are not needed.
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