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 person ['pә:sn]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 人, 人身, 人称

[法] 人, 法人, 人身

    [ noun ]
    1. a human being

    2. <noun.tops>
      there was too much for one person to do
    3. a human body (usually including the clothing)

    4. <noun.body>
      a weapon was hidden on his person
    5. a grammatical category used in the classification of pronouns, possessive determiners, and verb forms according to whether they indicate the speaker, the addressee, or a third party

    6. <noun.communication>
      stop talking about yourself in the third person

    Person \Per"son\, n. [OE. persone, persoun, person, parson, OF.
    persone, F. personne, L. persona a mask (used by actors), a
    personage, part, a person, fr. personare to sound through;
    per + sonare to sound. See {Per-}, and cf. {Parson}.]
    1. A character or part, as in a play; a specific kind or
    manifestation of individual character, whether in real
    life, or in literary or dramatic representation; an
    assumed character. [Archaic]

    His first appearance upon the stage in his new
    person of a sycophant or juggler. --Bacon.

    No man can long put on a person and act a part.
    --Jer. Taylor.

    To bear rule, which was thy part
    And person, hadst thou known thyself aright.

    How different is the same man from himself, as he
    sustains the person of a magistrate and that of a
    friend! --South.

    2. The bodily form of a human being; body; outward
    appearance; as, of comely person.

    A fair persone, and strong, and young of age.

    If it assume my noble father's person. --Shak.

    Love, sweetness, goodness, in her person shined.

    3. A living, self-conscious being, as distinct from an animal
    or a thing; a moral agent; a human being; a man, woman, or

    Consider what person stands for; which, I think, is
    a thinking, intelligent being, that has reason and
    reflection. --Locke.

    4. A human being spoken of indefinitely; one; a man; as, any
    person present.

    5. A parson; the parish priest. [Obs.] --Chaucer.

    6. (Theol.) Among Trinitarians, one of the three subdivisions
    of the Godhead (the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost);
    an hypostasis. ``Three persons and one God.'' --Bk. of
    Com. Prayer.

    7. (Gram.) One of three relations or conditions (that of
    speaking, that of being spoken to, and that of being
    spoken of) pertaining to a noun or a pronoun, and thence
    also to the verb of which it may be the subject.

    Note: A noun or pronoun, when representing the speaker, is
    said to be in the first person; when representing what
    is spoken to, in the second person; when representing
    what is spoken of, in the third person.

    8. (Biol.) A shoot or bud of a plant; a polyp or zooid of the
    compound Hydrozoa Anthozoa, etc.; also, an individual, in
    the narrowest sense, among the higher animals. --Haeckel.

    True corms, composed of united person[ae] . . .
    usually arise by gemmation, . . . yet in sponges and
    corals occasionally by fusion of several originally
    distinct persons. --Encyc. Brit.

    {Artificial person}, or {Fictitious person} (Law), a
    corporation or body politic; -- this term is used in
    contrast with {natural person}, a real human being. See
    also {legal person}. --Blackstone.

    {Legal person} (Law), an individual or group that is allowed
    by law to take legal action, as plaintiff or defendent. It
    may include natural persons as well as fictitious persons
    (such as corporations).

    {Natural person} (Law), a man, woman, or child, in
    distinction from a corporation.

    {In person}, by one's self; with bodily presence; not by
    representative. ``The king himself in person is set
    forth.'' --Shak.

    {In the person of}, in the place of; acting for. --Shak.

    Person \Per"son\, v. t.
    To represent as a person; to personify; to impersonate.
    [Obs.] --Milton.

    1. To hire these people, employers are offered a subsidy amounting to Pounds 2,340 per year, which falls far short of the Pounds 8,000 that the average unemployed person costs the taxpayer.
    2. The eager beaver tries to take over the group but generally isn't the best person.
    3. That may sound like bluster - but it is a brave person who ignores it.
    4. She had been raped by more than one person, her clothing was in disarray, she had suffered multiple scratches and abrasions, and she was so drunk that her life was in danger, the report said.
    5. A second person who ate poisonous mushrooms at a dinner party underwent a liver transplant operation Friday, and another person was awaiting a donor.
    6. A second person who ate poisonous mushrooms at a dinner party underwent a liver transplant operation Friday, and another person was awaiting a donor.
    7. He said, `OK, I'll let you have it for just $300,000.'" Beyond funny anecdotes, we hit bedrock when agent Jeremy Zimmer describes the realities of negotiation: "You have your basic mercy deal; you throw yourself on the mercy of the other person.
    8. He was the first person to stand trial on charges stemming from an FBI sting of statehouse corruption.
    9. "What are the chances of this person in Iowa calling a random number in Tempe and getting a recording" describing a suicide attempt?
    10. "He's the large systems guy in the corporation and the person with the most technical background among senior management," Mr. Mandresh said.
    11. Gifts such as those from government entities and from a person who isn't a lobbyist would have to be reported quarterly if over $100.
    12. Just where does the innocent family snapshot or the sensitive portrait of a young person differ from a naked picture sold to pederasts and prosecutable under the law?
    13. (By cloning he means not egg-splitting but replicating an existing or deceased person: 'I've never met anyone in the world who is worth cloning, and that's been my stock answer for 10 years.') Another was implanting human embryos in animals.
    14. But he's also a very sensitive person and I know that for him this has been an ordeal because his work is his life," Mrs. Sutherland said.
    15. His business background "distinguishes me as a person who had vision, who's worked very, very hard (and) who's been able to attract and motivate highly capable people," he said.
    16. "The average person figures I'm a normal guy, not a shyster lawyer or a cunning CPA.
    17. They also get too big for one person to control.
    18. "His people would expect it (his return) and he is just the sort of person who would do it," Mrs. Thatcher said of Gorbachev, with whom she has a good rapport.
    19. Vegetable consumption climbed from 152 pounds per person in 1982 to 170 pounds last year and is expected to continue to increase, according to the Central Marketing Association for German Agriculture.
    20. For the first time in memory, more people wanted a new person than chose to retain the incumbent.
    21. And they say his grave belongs here in the country's capital because he was the only person ever to unite Yugoslavia's feuding ethnic groups.
    22. More than a half dozen tornadoes accompanying the hurricane hit the Brownsville area today in advance of the center of the storm, blowing over at least two homes and injuring one person, a boy who suffered a minor head wound.
    23. The students were then asked to fill in this questionaire, and told that the person they were about to meet would scrutinize it.
    24. One person was in the intensive care unit Thursday evening.
    25. However, the program allows a Medicaid recipient to retain his home _ usually a person's primary asset _ as long as a family member is living there or the recipient expects to return to the home.
    26. Highlighting the problems was a Labor Day rampage in which one person was killed and eight wounded.
    27. Dye says no one has been killed or injured from the 30,960 probes he had sold at prices ranging up to $29.95 since starting the business six years ago, and only one person had been known to receive a shock.
    28. "The person on the receiving end really doesn't have much to say about it until the person on the appointing end decides what he is going to do and makes the announcement," Orr said.
    29. "The person on the receiving end really doesn't have much to say about it until the person on the appointing end decides what he is going to do and makes the announcement," Orr said.
    30. Three powerful bombs exploded in a fashionable district of Athens before dawn Thursday, and police said one person was slightly injured.
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