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 persona   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 人, 人物, 角色, 外表印象, 人格面具

[医] 伪装人格

    [ noun ]
    1. an actor's portrayal of someone in a play

    2. <noun.cognition>
      she played the part of Desdemona
    3. (Jungian psychology) a personal facade that one presents to the world

    4. <noun.attribute>
      a public image is as fragile as Humpty Dumpty

    Persona \Per*so"na\, n.; pl. {Person[ae]}. [L.] (Biol.)
    Same as {Person}, n., 8.

    1. Contacto con alguien que usted no conoce bien (un encuentro casual o una persona que practique la prostitucion) o con alguien que usted sabe que tiene varios companeros sexuales.
    2. "The camp element is something out of the ordinary, this big man playing a sexy woman." Besides film roles, Milstead also used the Divine persona in a nightclub act.
    3. Bert Lance has no official role at the Democratic convention, but Jesse Jackson will make sure there is a place at the table for the burly Georgia politician declared persona non grata four years ago.
    4. She had lied about her age and background, creating a whole new persona so that she could start fresh and support herself, the lawyer said.
    5. When people turn to local bureaucrats for help, they encounter "the old atmosphere, where every visitor is looked down upon as being very nearly persona non grata, an undesirable phenomenon," he complained.
    6. Orbison's penchant for sunglasses and dark clothing created a mysterious persona that was heightened by his natural reclusiveness.
    7. Makkena seemed uncomfortable with the new persona and presented it rather weakly.
    8. Their bad-boy persona also didn't endear them to show producer Dick Clark, who was forced to move Rod Stewart's performance ahead of schedule because Guns N' Roses showed up late.
    9. But in his "Bandstand" persona, teens saw him as a friendly, hip father figure.
    10. Vanity Fair writer James Wolcott tries to understand why people laugh at the abusive humor of the '90s in the persona of Andrew Dice Clay.
    11. Este principalmente afecta a la persona haciendola incapaz de defenderse do otras emfermedades, que podrian cuasarle la muerte.
    12. Mattel says Rocker Barbie was the perfect persona to bring the doll to life.
    13. Its sweetness and fun are readily apparent, primarily in the persona of its radiant star, Pauline Collins.
    14. And despite the years, Wolf said he's confident that on the tour he can live up to the frantic stage persona he had with J. Geils.
    15. This is clear and unambiguous when the sacramental ministry of the Eucharist, in which the priest acts "in persona Christi," is performed by a man.
    16. But List was finally tripped up after two decades because his new persona was created in his own image _ that of a wimpy, bespectacled accountant whose life centered on the Lutheran Church.
    17. The Iraqi official in New York couldn't be prosecuted because of his diplomatic status, though he was declared persona non grata by the State Department and expelled from the U.S.
    18. The Beltway insists that the debate focus on the persona of Ronald Reagan, a kind of capital obsession the past six years.
    19. Tener relaciones sexuales con una sola persona que no este infectada y ser mutuamente fieles.
    20. Usted no puede saber a simple vista si una persona estaa infectada.
    21. Though not nearly as famous as his two celebrity sauce rivals, Mr. Lasorda planned to overcome that disadvantage with his own persona.
    22. The American businessman said Western interest in the Soviet market is being driven more by "the hype of perestroika and the Gorbachev persona" than by government policy.
    23. His security and warmth come across." The Texas senator has a take-charge persona that Dukakis can learn from, Ms. Glass said.
    24. Allen bravely plays against his usual screen persona, sporting a pony tail and singing the praises of Los Angeles, but is never altogether convincing.
    25. Ezra Pound's significance, too, is without question despite his less appealing persona.
    26. Usted debe tener mucho cuidado con la persona con quien usted tenga relaciones sexuales, haciendo su propia decision sobre la persona, basandose en su buen juicio.
    27. Usted debe tener mucho cuidado con la persona con quien usted tenga relaciones sexuales, haciendo su propia decision sobre la persona, basandose en su buen juicio.
    28. Three Canadians who worked previously at the embassy were declared persona non grata and forbidden from returning to the Soviet Union.
    29. Though the want of sympathy for Romantic spookery here is a real drawback, Miss Vaduva's open-throated Antonia - touchingly vulnerable not only in persona but in pitch - captures the right feyness.
    30. Were it not for the soprano's appealing stage persona, much of her singing would have been unendurable.
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