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 paparazzi [ˌpɑ:pɑ:'rɑ:tsi]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 专门追逐名人偷拍照片的摄影者(或记者)

    paparazzo \paparazzo\ pl. {paparazzi}. n. [from Signore
    Paparazzo, a photographer in Fellini's film La Dolce Vita.]
    1. A free-lance photographer that specializes in following
    and photographing celebrities such as movie stars,
    especially to obtain candid photographs in private
    situations; as, her dogged pursuit by the paparazzi was
    believed to be a major factor in Princess Diana's death.

    1. Cher and Camilletti have blamed the accident on the tabloid press and the frustration of dealing with paparazzi who incessantly stake out their home.
    2. "I hope the photographers don't come at all anymore," Puck said. "If it was up to me they could all go to (rival) Nicky Blair's." Which just might happen, say the paparazzi.
    3. The actress blamed pesky paparazzi and the frustration of living in the spotlight for the flare-up.
    4. The First fan was kept away by an unseasonable blizzard in Washington, but Ron Reagan Jr. did brave snow and paparazzi to attend.
    5. Attorneys for "The Cosby Show" actress filed a motion in U.S. District Court on Aug. 20 asking a federal judge to make "the seedier elements of the paparazzi" produce a stolen negative of the actress' baby girl, Zoe.
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