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 paper ['peipә]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 纸, 文件, 文章, 报纸, 证券, 证件

vt. 用纸糊, 贴壁纸于, 用纸包装

vi. 贴壁纸

a. 纸做的, 纸上的

[化] 纸

[医] 纸

[经] 证券, 票据纸币

    [ noun ]
    1. a material made of cellulose pulp derived mainly from wood or rags or certain grasses

    2. <noun.substance>
    3. an essay (especially one written as an assignment)

    4. <noun.communication>
      he got an A on his composition
    5. a daily or weekly publication on folded sheets; contains news and articles and advertisements

    6. <noun.communication>
      he read his newspaper at breakfast
    7. a medium for written communication

    8. <noun.communication>
      the notion of an office running without paper is absurd
    9. a scholarly article describing the results of observations or stating hypotheses

    10. <noun.communication>
      he has written many scientific papers
    11. a business firm that publishes newspapers

    12. <noun.group>
      Murdoch owns many newspapers
    13. the physical object that is the product of a newspaper publisher

    14. <noun.artifact>
      when it began to rain he covered his head with a newspaper
    [ verb ]
    1. cover with paper

    2. <verb.contact>
      paper the box
    3. cover with wallpaper

    4. <verb.contact> wallpaper

    Paper \Pa"per\ (p[=a]"p[~e]r), n. [F. papier, fr. L. papyrus
    papyrus, from which the Egyptians made a kind of paper, Gr.
    pa`pyros. Cf. {Papyrus}.]
    1. A substance in the form of thin sheets or leaves intended
    to be written or printed on, or to be used in wrapping. It
    is made of rags, straw, bark, wood, or other fibrous
    material, which is first reduced to pulp, then molded,
    pressed, and dried.

    2. A sheet, leaf, or piece of such substance.

    3. A printed or written instrument; a document, essay, or the
    like; a writing; as, a paper read before a scientific

    They brought a paper to me to be signed. --Dryden.

    4. A printed sheet appearing periodically; a newspaper; a
    journal; as, a daily paper.

    5. Negotiable evidences of indebtedness; notes; bills of
    exchange, and the like; as, the bank holds a large amount
    of his paper.

    6. Decorated hangings or coverings for walls, made of paper.
    See {Paper hangings}, below.

    7. A paper containing (usually) a definite quantity; as, a
    paper of pins, tacks, opium, etc.

    8. A medicinal preparation spread upon paper, intended for
    external application; as, cantharides paper.

    9. pl. Documents establishing a person's identity, or status,
    or attesting to some right, such as the right to drive a
    vehicle; as, the border guard asked for his papers.

    Note: Paper is manufactured in sheets, the trade names of
    which, together with the regular sizes in inches, are
    shown in the following table. But paper makers vary the
    size somewhat.

    Note: In the manufacture of books, etc., a sheet, of whatever
    size originally, is termed, when folded once, a folio;
    folded twice, a quarto, or 4to; three times, an octavo,
    or 8vo; four times, a sextodecimo, or 16mo; five times,
    a 32mo; three times, with an offcut folded twice and
    set in, a duodecimo, or 12mo; four times, with an
    offcut folded three times and set in, a 24mo.

    Note: Paper is often used adjectively or in combination,
    having commonly an obvious signification; as, paper
    cutter or paper-cutter; paper knife, paper-knife, or
    paperknife; paper maker, paper-maker, or papermaker;
    paper mill or paper-mill; paper weight, paper-weight,
    or paperweight, etc.

    {Business paper}, checks, notes, drafts, etc., given in
    payment of actual indebtedness; -- opposed to
    accommodation paper.

    {Fly paper}, paper covered with a sticky preparation, -- used
    for catching flies.

    {Laid paper}. See under {Laid}.

    {Paper birch} (Bot.), the canoe birch tree ({Betula

    {Paper blockade}, an ineffective blockade, as by a weak naval

    {Paper boat} (Naut.), a boat made of water-proof paper.

    {Paper car wheel} (Railroad), a car wheel having a steel
    tire, and a center formed of compressed paper held between
    two plate-iron disks. --Forney.

    {Paper credit}, credit founded upon evidences of debt, such
    as promissory notes, duebills, etc.

    {Paper hanger}, one who covers walls with paper hangings.

    {Paper hangings}, paper printed with colored figures, or
    otherwise made ornamental, prepared to be pasted against
    the walls of apartments, etc.; wall paper.

    {Paper house}, an audience composed of people who have come
    in on free passes. [Cant]

    {Paper money}, notes or bills, usually issued by government
    or by a banking corporation, promising payment of money,
    and circulated as the representative of coin.

    {Paper mulberry}. (Bot.) See under Mulberry.

    {Paper muslin}, glazed muslin, used for linings, etc.

    {Paper nautilus}. (Zo["o]l.) See {Argonauta}.

    {Paper reed} (Bot.), the papyrus.

    {Paper sailor}. (Zo["o]l.) See Argonauta.

    {Paper stainer}, one who colors or stamps wall paper. --De

    {Paper wasp} (Zo["o]l.), any wasp which makes a nest of
    paperlike material, as the yellow jacket.

    {Paper weight}, any object used as a weight to prevent loose
    papers from being displaced by wind, or otherwise.

    {on paper}.
    (a) in writing; as, I would like to see that on paper.
    (b) in theory, though not necessarily in paractice.
    (c) in the design state; planned, but not yet put into

    {Parchment paper}. See {Papyrine}.

    {Tissue paper}, thin, gauzelike paper, such as is used to
    protect engravings in books.

    {Wall paper}. Same as {Paper hangings}, above.

    {Waste paper}, paper thrown aside as worthless or useless,
    except for uses of little account.

    {Wove paper}, a writing paper with a uniform surface, not
    ribbed or watermarked.

    {paper tiger}, a person or group that appears to be powerful
    and dangerous but is in fact weak and ineffectual.

    paper \pa"per\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {papered} (p[=a]"p[~e]rd);
    p. pr. & vb. n. {papering}.]
    1. To cover or line with paper, especially with wallpaper; to
    furnish with paper hangings; to wallpaper; as, to paper a
    room or a house.
    [1913 Webster +PJC]

    2. To fold or inclose in paper.

    3. To put on paper; to make a memorandum of. [Obs.]

    paper \pa"per\ (p[=a]"p[~e]r), a.
    1. Of or pertaining to paper; made of paper; resembling

    2. Existing only on paper; unsubstantial; as, a paper box; a
    paper army; a paper tiger.
    [1913 Webster +PJC]

    Poonah painting \Poo"nah paint`ing\ [From Poona, in Bombay
    Province, India.]
    A style of painting, popular in England in the 19th century,
    in which a thick opaque color is applied without background
    and with scarcely any shading, to thin paper, producing
    flowers, birds, etc., in imitation of Oriental work.

    Note: Hence:

    {Poonah brush},


    {painter}, etc.
    [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

    1. Yesterday, Standard & Poor's Corp. lowered ratings on Federal Express's $200 million of commercial paper to A-3 from A-2, citing "near-term liquidity pressure" from the restructuring.
    2. A CIP spokesman said the company is abandoning the heavy-duty paper bag business to concentrate on its main businesses, which include newsprint, pulp, containers and tissue.
    3. But Manville executive Mr. Stephens said the Denver-based company's research indicates that the output of one-and-a-half new paper machines will be needed to supply demand for high-quality paperboard for food and beverage containers by 1995.
    4. W. Dennis Thomas, 45 years old, was named vice president of federal-corporate affairs at this pulp and paper maker.
    5. S&P affirmed its A-2 rating for Fleet's commercial paper.
    6. It affirmed ratings on about $5 billion in commercial paper.
    7. A pound of paper packaging reduces food waste by 1.41 pounds.
    8. Affected securities of Rochester Gas include single-A-minus senior debt and preferred stock and A-2 commercial paper.
    9. A man asks a friend why he is reading the front page of Scinteia, the Communist Party newspaper, so intently, when everyone knows that the paper publishes little real news.
    10. For, if this magnificent exhibition at the Academy does nothing else, it demonstrates for ever the absurdity of the distinction that would make oil on canvas inherently superior to water-colour on paper, simply because it is oil on canvas.
    11. Kalikow, a real-estate development millionaire, said he would invest $25 million in the new Sunday edition next year and increase the paper's staff by about 60 people, including 30 reporters and editors.
    12. Demand for Italian and Scandinavian bank deals is still flagging, due to the increasing credit concerns about both banking industries, and Japanese bank paper is under pressure.
    13. The white paper failed to guarantee a larger market for coal by elbowing aside other forms of energy.
    14. In another, shipments to military contractors were held up because of "paper work processing delays."
    15. There is also grumbling about slow paper work, and there are reports of smuggling.
    16. Ronald S. Godwin, senior vice president of The Washington Times Corp., praised Rothenburg's contribution during his five years as head of the paper's business affairs.
    17. His tough, pulpy literature was filled with neurotics, psychotics and con men trying to paper over their nowhere lives with big schemes.
    18. On the $1 coin, Geiger said the Susan B. Anthony dollar coin failed to become popular because it was not easily distinguished from the quarter and because it was introduced as an alternative to the paper dollar, rather than a replacement.
    19. Baghdad's souks are full of people selling the family silver - literally. The Iraqi dinar has become funny money - locals refer to it simply as 'paper'.
    20. Eduardas Potashinskas, a Lithuanian activist who monitored today's parliament session, said speakers announced that the Kremlin decreed a stop Tuesday to Soviet supplies of paper and wood products to Lithuania.
    21. Although the FT is a financial paper, it is still taking too much liberty in assuming that all of its readers are no more than financial zombies.
    22. "A film of challenging ideas, and not salacious provocations," the industry paper's review said.
    23. Lucky, wrapped in salt-water-soaked paper, traveled in an insulated box with ice packs.
    24. But Bilzerian never followed through with a formal bid and did not file any documents detailing his offer with the SEC, as required by law, the paper said.
    25. For instance, a spate of new paper machines ordered in 1987 or 1988 are just coming into production, creating surplus capacity for many types of paper.
    26. For instance, a spate of new paper machines ordered in 1987 or 1988 are just coming into production, creating surplus capacity for many types of paper.
    27. T. Marshall Hahn Jr., chairman and chief executive officer, said the company's overall business was sound, reflecting healthy demand for pulp and paper products, but he said earnings were affected by weak plywood and lumber prices.
    28. The station has now been converted into a 'gold' rock and pop music format. The paper offer for the A shares is 345 for 200; for the ordinary shares, it is 206 for 100.
    29. The paper's article cannot be considered a statement backed by the policy-making Central Committee of the Soviet Communist Party, he said.
    30. For a paper deal worth a mere Pounds 105m, ADT now claims to have written off as goodwill the sum of Dollars 278m.
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