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 out of breath 添加此单词到默认生词本

    Breath \Breath\ (br[e^]th), n. [OE. breth, breeth, AS.
    br[=ae][eth] odor, scent, breath; cf. OHG. br[=a]dam steam,
    vapor, breath, G. brodem, and possibly E. {Brawn}, and
    1. The air inhaled and exhaled in respiration; air which, in
    the process of respiration, has parted with oxygen and has
    received carbonic acid, aqueous vapor, warmth, etc.

    Melted as breath into the wind. --Shak.

    2. The act of breathing naturally or freely; the power or
    capacity to breathe freely; as, I am out of breath.

    3. The power of respiration, and hence, life. --Hood.

    Thou takest away their breath, they die. --Ps. civ.

    4. Time to breathe; respite; pause.

    Give me some breath, some little pause. --Shak.

    5. A single respiration, or the time of making it; a single
    act; an instant.

    He smiles and he frowns in a breath. --Dryden.

    6. Fig.: That which gives or strengthens life.

    The earthquake voice of victory,
    To thee the breath of life. --Byron.

    7. A single word; the slightest effort; a trifle.

    A breath can make them, as a breath has made.

    8. A very slight breeze; air in gentle motion.

    Calm and unruffled as a summer's sea,
    when not a breath of wind flies o'er its surface.

    9. Fragrance; exhalation; odor; perfume. --Tennison.

    The breath of flowers. --Bacon.

    10. Gentle exercise, causing a quicker respiration.

    An after dinner's breath. --Shak.

    {Out of breath}, breathless, exhausted; breathing with

    {Under one's breath}, in low tones.

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