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 out of commission 添加此单词到默认生词本
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    Commission \Com*mis"sion\, n. [F., fr. L. commissio. See
    1. The act of committing, doing, or performing; the act of

    Every commission of sin introduces into the soul a
    certain degree of hardness. --South.

    2. The act of intrusting; a charge; instructions as to how a
    trust shall be executed.

    3. The duty or employment intrusted to any person or persons;
    a trust; a charge.

    4. A formal written warrant or authority, granting certain
    powers or privileges and authorizing or commanding the
    performance of certain duties.

    Let him see our commission. --Shak.

    5. A certificate conferring military or naval rank and
    authority; as, a colonel's commission.

    6. A company of persons joined in the performance of some
    duty or the execution of some trust; as, the interstate
    commerce commission.

    A commission was at once appointed to examine into
    the matter. --Prescott.

    7. (Com.)
    (a) The acting under authority of, or on account of,
    (b) The thing to be done as agent for another; as, I have
    three commissions for the city.
    (c) The brokerage or allowance made to a factor or agent
    for transacting business for another; as, a commission
    of ten per cent on sales. See {Del credere}.

    {Commission of array}. (Eng. Hist.) See under {Array}.

    {Commission of bankruptcy}, a commission appointing and
    empowering certain persons to examine into the facts
    relative to an alleged bankruptcy, and to secure the
    bankrupt's lands and effects for the creditors.

    {Commission of lunacy}, a commission authorizing an inquiry
    whether a person is a lunatic or not.

    {Commission merchant}, one who buys or sells goods on
    commission, as the agent of others, receiving a rate per
    cent as his compensation.

    {Commission officer} or {Commissioned officer}, (Mil.), one
    who has a commission, in distinction from a
    noncommissioned or warrant officer.

    {Commission of the peace}, a commission under the great seal,
    constituting one or more persons justices of the peace.

    {on commission}, paid partly or completely by collecting as a
    commision a portion of the sales that one makes.

    {out of commission}, not operating properly; out of order.

    {To put a vessel into commission} (Naut.), to equip and man a
    government vessel, and send it out on service after it has
    been laid up; esp., the formal act of taking command of a
    vessel for service, hoisting the flag, reading the orders,

    {To put a vessel out of commission} (Naut.), to detach the
    officers and crew and retire it from active service,
    temporarily or permanently.

    {To put the great seal into commission} or {To put the
    Treasury into commission}, to place it in the hands of a
    commissioner or commissioners during the abeyance of the
    ordinary administration, as between the going out of one
    lord keeper and the accession of another. [Eng.]

    {The United States Christian Commission}, an organization
    among the people of the North, during the Civil War, which
    afforded material comforts to the Union soldiers, and
    performed services of a religious character in the field
    and in hospitals.

    {The United States Sanitary Commission}, an organization
    formed by the people of the North to co["o]perate with and
    supplement the medical department of the Union armies
    during the Civil War.

    Syn: Charge; warrant; authority; mandate; office; trust;

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