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 osculatory ['ɒskjulәtәri]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 接吻的, 密切接触的

    Osculatory \Os"cu*la*to*ry\, n. [LL. osculatorium. See
    {Osculate}.] (R. C. Ch.)
    Same as {Pax}, 2.

    Osculatory \Os"cu*la*to*ry\, a.
    1. Of or pertaining to kissing; kissing. ``The osculatory
    ceremony.'' --Thackeray.

    2. (Geom.) Pertaining to, or having the properties of, an
    osculatrix; capable of osculation; as, a circle may be
    osculatory with a curve, at a given point.

    {Osculatory circle}. (Geom.) See {Osculating circle of a
    curve}, under {Circle}.

    {Osculatory plane} (to a curve of double curvature), a plane
    which passes through three successive points of the curve.

    {Osculatory sphere} (to a line of double curvature), a sphere
    passing through four consecutive points of the curve.

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