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 OSF   添加此单词到默认生词本
[计] 开放软件基金会

    1. Unix International also disputed the idea that there was much difference in the technology, saying it would be able to deliver at about the same time as OSF the features that OSF claimed as advantages.
    2. Unix International also disputed the idea that there was much difference in the technology, saying it would be able to deliver at about the same time as OSF the features that OSF claimed as advantages.
    3. He said that compatibility won't be a problem, that IBM won't dominate and that OSF's Unix will reach the market soon after AT&T's.
    4. According to OSF, Sun provided Addamax with a Dollars 7.5m loan guarantee. OSF said: 'This lawsuit was not the simple effort of a small, independent software vendor.
    5. According to OSF, Sun provided Addamax with a Dollars 7.5m loan guarantee. OSF said: 'This lawsuit was not the simple effort of a small, independent software vendor.
    6. Unix International said talks broke off because OSF was pulled in too many different directions by its numerous members.
    7. An OSF spokeswoman said the consortium's lawyers hadn't yet seen the suit.
    8. That is especially true, OSF said, in terms of the system's security and its ability to run on hardware with more than one central processor.
    9. But however noble the OSF's goals, its formation was sparked by a less magnanimous reason - an industry battle over control of Unix, a popular operating system that is the core of OSF's new software.
    10. But however noble the OSF's goals, its formation was sparked by a less magnanimous reason - an industry battle over control of Unix, a popular operating system that is the core of OSF's new software.
    11. By agreeing to offer the same operating system on some or all of their computers, the OSF members hope to answer pleas from computer users that different brands and types of computers work together more easily.
    12. Sun is a founding member of Unix International, as is AT&T. OSF was formed out of concern that Sun and AT&T, who agreed to work together on a standard version of the Unix system, might design the software to give Sun a competitive advantage.
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