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 onetime ['wʌn`taɪm]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 从前的, 一度的

ad. 从前, 一度

    [ adj ]
    belonging to some prior time
    erstwhile friendour former glory
    the once capital of the state
    her quondam lover

    1. East, a onetime college professor, ran for the Senate in 1980 under the wing of the National Congressional Club, the political organization of Sen. Jesse Helms, R-N.C. He defeated Democratic incumbent Robert Morgan.
    2. Excluding Smiths and Walkers and onetime items in both years, sales and operating profit would have each risen 12 percent.
    3. The U.S. wants a onetime event that would then lead to direct talks between Arabs and Israelis.
    4. Indeed, the onetime adversaries turned partners haven't yet worked out exactly which events CBS will give Turner.
    5. "Leo brings to the table a greater sophistication than all of these fellows who have been there since they were 21 or 22 and who worked their way up the ladders," says John F. Sullivan, a former outside director and onetime Farmers chairman.
    6. At the outset of the campaign, Nebraska Sen. Bob Kerrey was touted as Hollywood's leading man for 1992, in part because of his onetime romance with actress Debra Winger.
    7. The New York Times Co. said Wednesday its earnings soared eightfold in the third quarter because of a onetime gain on the sale of its cable television system.
    8. But the ad ends with the onetime shipyard electrician beaming and declaring the "Union Yes" slogan of the federation's advertising campaign.
    9. Turned away an effort by Tom Perdue, onetime top aide to Georgia Gov. Joe Frank Harris, to kill a libel lawsuit against him by state Public Service Commission member J. Mac Barber.
    10. Arun Nehru, a onetime Gandhi ally and former minister of state for home affairs, who now supports Singh, told a news conference the Satpura ballot-stuffing was engineered by Congress Party members.
    11. The vendors were afraid they would be shut out by people with large amounts of capital to invest - foreigners, or onetime Communist functionaries who amassed fortunes under the former government.
    12. Declaring "I am not a racist," the onetime Nazi sympathizer launched his candidacy for the 1992 Republican nomination less than three weeks after losing the Louisiana governor's race.
    13. A onetime secretary-general of the governing party, Tekere, 52, was fired from the politburo and the central committee in October after publicly denouncing corruption and charging that politicians were building a personality cult around Mugabe.
    14. MiniScribe staged a comeback in the last half of the 1980s under the chairmanship of Q.T. Wiles, onetime chairman of the venture capital firm of Hambrecht & Quist.
    15. This was after William Morris coaxed onetime ICM superagent Sue Mengers out of retirement to bolster its movie business.
    16. His vice chairman, Jack Albertine, the onetime lobbyist and Bentsen speechwriter, quietly resigned two weeks ago.
    17. Excluding the onetime gain in the year-earlier period, Mr. Hannen said earnings were roughly flat and essentially in line with analysts' expectations.
    18. His appeal may have been bolstered by dissatisfaction with both Mazowiecki and Walesa, onetime Solidarity allies turned political foes.
    19. Cher's onetime beau Sonny Bono wandered into the act. "I thought this was another Bo Knows commercial," he said.
    20. These include the League for Democracy and Peace, backed by Nu; the Union Nationals Democracy Party of Aung Gyi; Thu Wai's Democracy Party, and the Democratic Front for National Reconstruction headed by onetime leftist leader Chit Maung.
    21. The other, Morris' onetime fiancee, Specialist Patricia C. Pruitt, testified that Morris told her in 1986 he had "an incurable blood disease" but didn't say it was AIDS until January 1987.
    22. Nor did it help that Mr. Bush, the onetime voodoo phraseologist, has been running as a semi-supply-sider himself.
    23. Under the cloud of the indictment, he lost his bid for a third term to Democrat Ben Jones, onetime star of the "Dukes of Hazzard" television show, last November in a district in Atlanta's suburbs.
    24. West Point-Pepperell's 22% increase in its Dec. 26 first quarter was aided by a $5.1 million onetime gain on the sale of its carpet division.
    25. President Bush flew here today for the funeral of C. Fred Chambers, a onetime Texas oil business associate and close friend of nearly four decades.
    26. GAF attorney Arthur Liman countered Tuesday that a government probe had uncovered "no smoking gun" to link the defendants to the stock manipulations of Boyd Jefferies, onetime head of a Los Angeles-based trading firm.
    27. In a statement, Kerkorian associate Fred Benninger said developing the theme park project had reduced time to devote to the Desert Inn, Howard Hughes' onetime flagship and one of the oldest resorts in Las Vegas.
    28. Now, like everyone else, he has little reason to go to Guthrie, the onetime "crossroads of the world." When it comes to a football or basketball game, Rockwell is the enemy around here.
    29. The Tehran Times, an English-language daily said to be close to Rafsanjani, hinted two days ago that Iran might allow "humanitarian shipments" into its onetime archenemy.
    30. It focused on Mr. Pierce's testimony before the panel last year as well as his relationships with his former New York law firm, Battle Fowler, and with his onetime executive assistant at HUD, Lance Wilson.
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