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 onion ['ʌnjən]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 洋葱

vt. 因洋葱使掉泪

[医] 洋葱

    [ noun ]
    1. the bulb of an onion plant

    2. <noun.plant>
    3. bulbous plant having hollow leaves cultivated worldwide for its rounded edible bulb

    4. <noun.plant>
    5. an aromatic flavorful vegetable

    6. <noun.food>

    Onion \On"ion\, n. [F. ognon, fr. L. unio oneness, unity, a
    single large pearl, an onion. See {One}, {Union}.]
    1. (Bot.) A liliaceous plant of the genus {Allium} ({Allium
    cepa}), having a strong-flavored bulb and long hollow
    leaves; also, its bulbous root, much used as an article of
    food. The name is often extended to other species of the

    2. The flavor of an onion[1].

    {Onion fish} (Zo["o]l.), the grenadier.

    {Onion fly} (Zo["o]l.) a dipterous insect whose larva feeds
    upon the onion; especially, {Anthomyia ceparum} and
    {Ortalis flexa}.

    {Welsh onion}. (Bot.) See {Cibol}.

    {Wild onion} (Bot.), a name given to several species of the
    genus {Allium}.

    1. Put the carrots and livers into a low oven to rest. Add a little more oil to the saute pan and fry the onion.
    2. There are, admittedly, several more layers of the onion for him to reveal.
    3. Statewide onion acreage this year is nearly 19,000 acres, of which 14,000 is for the spring crop, Bierstedt said.
    4. Snails in a spring onion sauce?
    5. The multiplier is definitely different from the common desert onion (Allium macropetalum), or any onions or shallots available from the conventional sources.
    6. Convicted with Gregory Ulas Powell for shooting an officer in an onion field in 1963, Smith served 19 years and was released on parole in 1982.
    7. William's pet projects, such as a cholesterol-fighting drug known as "the onion pill," got lukewarm support at best from Charles.
    8. Add onion, garlic and celery.
    9. About 80 percent of Texas' onion crop is the sweet spring variety, said Erv Sandlin, a promotional marketing coordinator with the Texas Department of Agriculture.
    10. Return the meat to the pot. Add the onion, orange, herbs and the wine.
    11. Yet each time Morgenroth pushes beyond the game, and when he comes to peel back the onion layers of his life at last and finds no kernel to himself, we agonise with him in his and our own exhaustion.
    12. Cook and stir until onion is tender.
    13. Texas onion growers got $77.8 million for their crop last year, making it the top moneymaker among fresh vegetables, said Doug Bierstedt, with the Texas Agricultural Statistics Service.
    14. Sidewalk vendors or little makeshift restraurants offer onion pancakes, rice noodles in red pepper sauce and jam and almond paste cakes, roast chestnuts and dried squid.
    15. For example, in this warm, arid climate, green onions for eating (scallions) develop from onion sets in a few weeks.
    16. Add 1 chopped large onion and 6 cloves garlic and saute until translucent and starting to brown.
    17. Add the milk and cook over a low heat for 30 minutes. Place a thin layer of polenta in a gratin dish, then the onion sauce, then a layer of ricotta.
    18. The tests show that onions kept in just cold storage tended to lose the mild, sweet taste that Vidalias are known for, Smittle said. "The onion bites you after you bite it.
    19. One manager felt that he had been peeled apart like an onion into different layers, and requested an extra day's training in order to be put back together again.
    20. Stir the beans into the remaining onion mixture and pack it into the gaps.
    21. The resulting soup lacks historical accuracy of course but it tastes pretty good. To make My Kiddley Broth for two people, first chop a shallot or two (or half a small onion) and sweat it for 5 minutes in 2 tablespoons butter or olive oil.
    22. Bring them to boiling point in the stock with a good pinch of celery salt, the bay and onion.
    23. "The aquarium is sort of like an onion," said aquarist Bruce Upton. "The more you look, the deeper you can go.
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