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 ombudsman ['ɑm`bʊdzmən]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. (专查官员舞弊的)调查官

[法] 调查专员, 监察专员, 司法专员

    [ noun ]
    a government appointee who investigates complaints by private persons against the government

    1. The members of the emergency board are Robert O. Harris of Washington, ombudsman for the International Monetary Fund, who will serve as chairman; and labor arbitrators Richard R. Kasher of Bryn Mawr, Pa., and Arthur Stark of New York.
    2. Col. Edwin J. Montgomery resigned Friday, citing the report by ombudsman Philip Foisie.
    3. Can you provide me with the address of the income tax/Inland Revenue ombudsman? Second, is there an independent body to which one can write with a complaint about an MP's attitude.
    4. And he proposed that the parliamentary ombudsman should police Whitehall's performance in opening up access to information. True, the white paper proposes a lengthy list of exemptions from the presumption of access to official information.
    5. COMPLAINTS to the health service commissioner last year were the highest since the establishment of the ombudsman system in 1973. Mr William Reid, the commissioner, received 1,176 complaints - nearly 19 per cent up on the previous year.
    6. For others of us, we grieve for lost shipmates who died serving their country." Loud sobbing broke out in the Mayport Naval Station Chapel as Alicia Cuebas, a Saratoga ombudsman, read aloud the names of the 21 dead.
    7. But incorporated businesses can only seek redress in the courts, which is often a prohibitively expensive route. The Treasury is likely to recommend the creation of an ombudsman scheme for all small businesses, incorporated or unincorporated.
    8. 'The fact that the ombudsman has called for full publication - and that this has been followed up - is a very positive sign indeed,' Mr Frankel said.
    9. What an ideal local government ombudsman Edward Osmotherly will make.
    10. He said ombudsman Philip Foisie, whom the Defense Department named last year, had said in a report that "I inserted myself into the newspaper's editorial process unnecessarily," especially in the early part of his nearly four-year tenure.
    11. The Pentagon appointed Foisie ombudsman in June for the European and Far East editions of Stars and Stripes, with authority to monitor their performance and argue with military brass over decisions about news coverage.
    12. Many readers who called said the main reason they bought the Sunday Globe was for the old TV Week, reported Robert L. Kierstead, the paper's ombudsman.
    13. The report also urged a joint industry study of ways to measure viewing by children under 6, and it urged that Nielsen appoint an "ombudsman" whose sole job would be to set and monitor research standards.
    14. A Pentagon-appointed ombudsman recommended that a civilian be placed in the job after a study by the General Accounting Office found evidence of censorship and improper management at the paper and its cousin, Pacific Stars & Stripes.
    15. For advice, telephone the Personal Investments Authority (PIA) pensions unit on 071-417 7001; fax: 417 8100. If you disagree with your review, you can complain to the relevant ombudsman or arbitration scheme.
    16. (The insurance ombudsman deals with complaints about personal pensions). Last year, Platt referred almost 40 per cent of complaints received to OPAS, since they had not been sent there first.
    17. Importantly, given the volume of letters to the Weekend FT which this area generates, complaints about surrender values, bonuses and rates of return on life policies are also off-limits. If your problem passes all these tests, write to the ombudsman.
    18. A former foreign editor for the Washington Post was named Thursday as ombudsman for the Stars & Stripes military newspapers, a post created in response to allegations of censorship.
    19. Do not accept any offer without insisting on a review by the ombudsman. What are the problems with a small Fimbra firm?
    20. Vice-admiral Sir Peter Woodhead has been appointed as the UK's first prisons ombudsman.
    21. The Unit Trust Association is also planning reforms to pricing. The ombudsman claimed the present 'health warning' for unit trusts - which says the price of units can go down as well as up - was misunderstood and should be given greater prominence.
    22. The industry must now be opened up to proper scrutiny and more effective competition.' Overall, the number of cases handled by the ombudsman, who deals with both general and life insurance, increased by 29 per cent last year.
    23. It is therefore really only this year that the extension has had much impact. Some small business groups had hoped that businesses which already had access to the ombudsman might also come forward with their grievances.
    24. A new role for the ombudsman. The ombudsman will police the way departments operate the code.
    25. A new role for the ombudsman. The ombudsman will police the way departments operate the code.
    26. A base ombudsman, who asked to be identified only as Christie, said Navy families and wives are tough, but need help at such times.
    27. These would provide for a state ombudsman and a state advisory panel on what constitutes compliance with the law.
    28. Israel opposes the resolution and will not cooperate with an outside ombudsman investigating Israeli practices.
    29. Launch of the pensions ombudsman's annual report.
    30. James Kerr, an ombudsman appointed to investigate claims of political violence, said police received no complaints or information to substantiate the accusation.
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