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 Omdurman [ˌɔmdə:'mɑ:n]   添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ noun ]
    1. a city of Sudan; located in the central Sudan on the White Nile opposite Khartoum

    2. <noun.location>
    3. a battle (1898) in which an English and Egyptian army under Kitchener defeated the Sudanese

    4. <noun.act>

    Omdurman \Omdurman\ prop. n.
    A battle (1898) in which an Anglo-Egyptian army under Lord
    Kitchener defeated the Sudanese.

    Syn: battle of Omdurman.
    [WordNet 1.5]

    1. In announcing the firing-squad executions of the 28, Radio Omdurman did not specify how many remained in the dock.
    2. Omdurman Radio went off the air early today but resumed transmissions at 8 a.m. with martial music.
    3. "People there have started to leave their homes in the area heading for Omdurman and some other major towns in the region," he was quoted as saying in the weekly newspaper New Horizon on Saturday.
    4. Al-Ahram, a semi-official Egyptian daily newspaper, reported in its early Thursday edition that people were being evacuated in Khartoum, its twin city Omdurman across the Nile and villages north and south of the capital.
    5. But informed sources in Khartoum on Monday reported limited gunfire exchanges when the plotters tried to take over Khartoum International Airport and Radio Omdurman, the official government station.
    6. Witnesses said the rioters burned tires on the main streets of Khartoum, Omdurman, and Khartoum North, the three sections of this Sudanese capital.
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