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 nouveau [nu:'vəʊ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 从新(另行,再)

    1. As the first wines of the year, the Beaujolais nouveau, normally considered an inexpensive lightweight, served as a bellwether to both quality and the price the market will bear.
    2. Art nouveau glass vases and antique silver boxes are popular, he says.
    3. It also gained cachet with nouveau society, as its risque advertising and substantial licensing revenue transformed it into one of fashion's brightest stars.
    4. West Germany, Britain and Switzerland combined drink 60 percent of the exported Beaujolais nouveau.
    5. Stone crab fans waited for the season's first catches of the Gulf of Mexico's top crustacean like wine lovers yearning for the year's first Beaujolais nouveau or New Englanders watching for leaves to turn color.
    6. The Kobrand people say Americans have trouble choosing wines to suit the varied flavors and spices of Thanksgiving foods, creating an opportunity for a Shaw nouveau with mass appeal.
    7. This is the new Mafia Family as director Jonathan Demme envisions it in this ingenious new comedy: slightly dizzy nouveau riche who, like many young entrepreneurs, regard business as sport, the more trophies the better.
    8. It is more expensive than Beaujolais nouveau and there is neither strict government regulation of how the wine is made nor preparations for a major foreign advertising campaign.
    9. "The excitement just isn't there for California nouveau," says Jacob Malec, proprietor of Val de Cole Wines & Spirits in San Francisco.
    10. After turning out several short films, his first feature-length piece, "Lola" (1960) with Anouk Aimee, was warmly received by critics who placed him among those active in "nouveau cinema" at the turn of the decade.
    11. The rounded forms of the 18th-century French pieces and art nouveau and Victorian also marry well.
    12. In 1982, effective control of the group was captured by Albert Frere, who has been described as "a nouveau riche from the sticks."
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