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 Nova Cygni 添加此单词到默认生词本

    Nova \No"va\ (n[=o]"v[.a]), n.; pl. L. {Novae} (n[=o]"v[=e]), E.
    {Novas} (n[=o]"v[.a]z). [L., fem. sing. of novus new.]
    A star which suddenly increases in brightness thousands of
    times, then fades back to near its original intensity. It may
    appear as a ``new'' star if its original brightness was too
    low for routine observation. A star which suddenly increases
    in brightness to many millions of times its original
    intensity is a {supernova}, and the postulated mechanisms for
    the increases of brightness of novae and supernovae are

    Note: The most important modern nov[ae] are:

    {No"va Co*ro"n[ae] Bo`re*a"lis}[1866];

    {No"va Cyg"ni}[1876];

    {No"va An*dro"me*d[ae]}[1885];

    {No"va Au*ri"g[ae]}[1891-92];

    {No"va Per"se*i}[1901]. There are two nov[ae] called {Nova
    Persei}. They are:
    (a) A small nova which appeared in 1881.
    (b) An extraordinary nova which appeared in Perseus in 1901.
    It was first sighted on February 22, and for one night
    (February 23) was the brightest star in the sky. By July
    it had almost disappeared, after which faint surrounding
    nebulous masses were discovered, apparently moving
    radially outward from the star at incredible velocity.
    [Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC]

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