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 noises [nɔɪz添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 噪音

    1. First his steering started to stick, then the engine made odd noises.
    2. "I felt the engines losing power and noises like tires blowing out on takeoff," said Lewis, who suffered only a bruise on her leg. "The fuselage filled with smoke and there was a lot of noise.
    3. Jacqueline Kennedy said, "I was looking this way, to the left, and I heard these terrible noises.
    4. Figures last week underline that the US trade gap is mainly with Japan, and the recent resumption of US-Japanese trade talks, and optimistic weekend noises about progress, might help the dollar in the short-term.
    5. "I tried to shut the door; I couldn't do it," she said. "I heard noises and I looked where the staircase was.
    6. There could be many causes for the hearing disorders, Crowe says, including heredity and loud noises as well as lack of medical attention to ear infections or other problems in childhood.
    7. Forecasts are for Pounds 14m this year, in spite of the cautious noises about margins, and the shares look attractive with a prospective p/e of about 12 times.
    8. Without one, the Uruguay round will - de facto if not de jure - be dead, and a rash of tit-for-tat trade wars will probably ensue. Hence the shrill noises from France in recent days.
    9. After 25 seconds, it is sold to a dealer 700 miles away from Tokyo. The blinking numbers and beeping noises are not part of a new video game, but of Aucnet, Japan's first satellite-linked, used-car auction network.
    10. As the night wore on, Firth approached the brink of releasing his captives several times, but changed his mind when he heard noises, such as the air conditioning system and nearby trains, or saw shadows flickering on the walls.
    11. Not bad for a bunch of guys who, in Jagger's words, "still make the same noises as they did 20 years ago."
    12. "If the computer detects that it's being tampered with in some manner, it will make a lot of loud noises and alert the poll watcher," said Steven Krauss, elections commissioner and a sophomore.
    13. The coughing is most prevalent during the current cold and flu season, Hanson said, but conductors also sniff over audience noises.
    14. The shares ended 3 ahead at 131p. Elsewhere in the sector, both Hoare Govett and SG Warburg were making positive noises on selected food stocks.
    15. This week demonstrated the ultimate contrast. All the noises in Washington are of men at war and jumping ship.
    16. Lee said North Korea bought about 30 excavators with noise-repressing equipment from Sweden after construction noises led to the discovery of the third tunnel in 1978.
    17. On that day, nobody made yummy noises.
    18. "Some residents in the rear of the house said they heard strange noises in the night," Neuner said, but no one rose to investigate.
    19. Yesterday's comforting noises on volume sales and costs suggested that some kind of rehabilitation was on the way as the share price rebounded sharply.
    20. Mole-rats get spooked by everyday noises.
    21. Its admission is especially disconcerting after its encouraging noises at the interim stage.
    22. The CBI survey this week showed that companies are not cheerful, either. Everyone thought that company chairmen would be making more optimistic noises over the next few weeks as they announced their interim results.
    23. What was more the caller was fed to the back teeth with dramas in which key passages of dialogue were rendered inaudible by other noises.
    24. Moreover, this kind of phone monitoring is almost impossible to detect because it generates none of the telltale clicking noises associated with traditional wiretapping.
    25. "At first, we weren't concerned when we heard the loud noises," Raley said. "But then we saw Soviet soldiers with metal shields and night sticks, 10 to 15 soldiers deep, filling the entire street.
    26. AI executives are making optimistic noises about their steel and steel-related technology businesses.
    27. The tape, which is on a loop that records over itself after about 30 minutes, covered noises beginning about 10 minutes after the airliner's tail engine failed, shooting debris that cut off the plane's hydraulic control system.
    28. In its ruling, the District Commission dismissed the Schmitts' concerns about barnyard noises, smells and insects wafting over a fence and onto their property.
    29. The West is congratulating itself on a rare show of rhetorical unity, is pledging boycotts of Iraqi-Kuwaiti oil and is making feeble noises about resisting Iraqi aggression against "vital interests" in Saudi Arabia, the world's largest repository of oil.
    30. More seriously, for the first time the British government is making ominous noises.
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