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 noisily ['nɒizili]   添加此单词到默认生词本
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    [ adv ]
    with much noise or loud and unpleasant sound
    he blew his nose noisily

    Noisily \Nois"i*ly\, adv.
    In a noisy manner.

    1. Pro-democracy activists who had marched noisily each week since early fall set aside bullhorns and banners Monday night for a silent vigil to honor the victims of Stalin.
    2. Here too army and ronderos parade noisily together on Sunday mornings to show locals who now has the upper hand.
    3. The local children had for three days played extremely noisily in a small park near his study.
    4. Norville, who has noisily suffered the slings and arrows of outrageous critics ever since Jane Pauley made way for her on "Today," starts things with a quick look at memorable commercials of yesteryear.
    5. Toward midnight, a festive clump of young men and one pretty young girl are partying noisily near the LIRR police office.
    6. The same house sparrows whose wheezy chirp grinds outside my window in New York sound noisily among the cottonwoods lining the streets of this provincial Soviet city, the capital of Eastern Siberia.
    7. After the war, Bonn noisily dispatched a ship to help fight oil spills along the Kuwaiti coast.
    8. Eight people may be living as an extended family, noisily celebrating odd holidays and evincing a busyness that rankles the settled.
    9. Toronto is a city divided; several civic groups have noisily questioned the wisdom of spending $1 billion on a track meet.
    10. The move would be a surprise because IBM has been noisily touting the new design, which it calls the Micro Channel, inside its 16-month-old PS/2 line of personal computers.
    11. Row on row of black metal contacts clank noisily up, down and around on their tracks, hunting and pecking the right electronic path for phone calls to travel.
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