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 news [nju:z]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 新闻, 消息, 报导

[法] 新闻, 消息, 新闻报导

    [ noun ]
    1. information about recent and important events

    2. <noun.communication>
      they awaited news of the outcome
    3. information reported in a newspaper or news magazine

    4. <noun.communication>
      the news of my death was greatly exaggerated
    5. a program devoted to current events, often using interviews and commentary

    6. <noun.communication>
      we watch the 7 o'clock news every night
    7. informal information of any kind that is not previously known to someone

    8. <noun.communication>
      it was news to me
    9. the quality of being sufficiently interesting to be reported in news bulletins

    10. <noun.attribute>
      the judge conceded the newsworthiness of the trial
      he is no longer news in the fashion world

    News \News\ (n[=u]z), n [From New; cf. F. nounelles. News is
    plural in form, but is commonly used with a singular verb.]
    1. A report of recent occurrences; information of something
    that has lately taken place, or of something before
    unknown; fresh tidings; recent intelligence.

    Evil news rides post, while good news baits.

    2. Something strange or newly happened.

    It is no news for the weak and poor to be a prey to
    the strong and rich. --L'Estrange.

    3. A bearer of news; a courier; a newspaper. [Obs.]

    There cometh a news thither with his horse. --Pepys.

    1. The two firms later backed out of the deal because of heavy pressure from officials at Nomura, according to news reports.
    2. The East German news agency ADN reported Saturday that 70 segments of the Berlin Wall will be auctioned off on June 23 in the principality of Monaco.
    3. From January 3 the channel will broadcast European Money Wheel, five hours of business news and information on weekday mornings.
    4. Wold calls itself the nation's biggest distributor of syndicated television programming to independent TV stations and transmits news for Japanese companies.
    5. Still, the polls contained chiefly good news for Dukakis as he looks ahead to November.
    6. But this news also sparked fresh hopes that inflation will remain in check, triggering a rally in Treasury bonds and pushing short-term interest rates down slightly.
    7. Government party chairman Park Tae-jun told a news conference today that the issue of adopting a parliamentary system would be discussed by a 15-member working committee to be formed Wednesday.
    8. However, Block's successor, Richard E. Lyng, "could care less" about the news sheet, he added.
    9. As a consequence, the blue chips extended a decline which had begun in the closing minutes of the previous session, when investors had sensed the bad news to come. However, the downturn paled when compared with the rout in bonds.
    10. When interviewed last week, he had just heard bad news from CBS officialdom.
    11. The attack followed an outburst of anti-U.S. sentiment spurred by incidents involving American athletes and news media during the Olympics.
    12. When a Jackson news conference is disrupted by protesters, Mr. Prentnieks moves toward the protesters to size up the shot, but decides against it.
    13. "It's even more difficult to do it on a Europewide basis" because most readers prefer local news written in their language.
    14. The official MTI news agency on Tuesday released the message sent to Kadar by the Central Committee, which stripped him of his last official posts on Monday.
    15. Dealers attributed the higher stock market start to dollar selling on a news report that Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party might lose an election for the powerful lower house of Parliament early next year.
    16. Ferguson sought to reassure investors and customers after the double-dose of negative news by issuing a statement promising, "Our business and that of our constituent institutions is sound.
    17. So far, his aides have been broadcasting news to ham radio operators on a make-shift short wave transmitter installed in the sixth floor of the Russian Parliament.
    18. Increased unemployment in southern China and news of Hong Kong's huge infrastructural plans have contributed to the influx of illegal immigrants, says Ian Strachan, deputy secretary for security.
    19. "Something is obviously wrong and has been obviously wrong for the last four years," Rep. Robin Tallon, D-S.C., said at a news conference following ceremonies at Arlington National Cemetery marking the crash anniversary.
    20. But Chris Bonington, 53, leader of the expedition, told a news conference Wednesday "there's certainly not any conclusive evidence one way or another" that the legendary apeman exists.
    21. He was a sports editor and wire editor at the Florence Morning News before moving to Sumter in 1936 as news editor.
    22. No one was killed, the official Soviet news agency said.
    23. Local journalists who work part-time for some of the world's large news organizations would be required to register if, as many do, they had more than one employer.
    24. The smugglers were delivered Sunday to an Islamic revolutionary court in Sanandaj, capital of Iranian Kurdistan, the news agency said.
    25. Gorbachev's decree also was denounced by Russian parliament leader Vladimir Isakov who told the official Tass news agency that Gorbachev, the Soviet president, overstepped his authority.
    26. Gunshots and tear gas were fired before he gave up, a domestic news service said today.
    27. In the absence of any market-moving news, foreign exchange trading was dominated by technical factors, traders said.
    28. Relatives of other Americans and foreigners stranded in Kuwait and Iraq by the invasion are desperately seeking news of their loved ones.
    29. Winderlich told a news conference that protesters also had broken into the building's section for counter-espionage activities but did not discover the identity of the section's workers.
    30. Higher nominal interest rates, as well, would probably turn recession to slump and certainly drive the stock market lower. This week's stream of company news has not of itself been wholly bad.
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