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    1. Germany's auditing office has criticised the mounting costs of the European fighter aircraft, a joint project by Germany, Britain, Spain and Italy, according to a leaked report obtained by the DPA newsagency.
    2. The number of Soviet Jewish emigrants who decided against coming to Israel reached a record high in May, when more than 90 percent chose to settle elsewhere, a Soviet Jewish activist told the Israeli newsagency Itim.
    3. The Angolan newsagency ANGOP said troops killed 34 guerrillas in fighting in Uige, Moxico and Huila provinces from Nov. 23-29 and that the guerrillas group killed eight soldiers and 15 civilians during the same period.
    4. But in an interview with the Itar-Tass newsagency, Mr Dudayev denied he had received any ultimatum and Grozny was reported to be calm yesterday afternoon.
    5. According to the Itar-Tass newsagency, the Russian government has passed a resolution promising to reimburse innocent victims of repression either by returning their original property or paying the cash equivalent.
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