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 mongolism ['mɑŋgəlɪzm]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 先天愚型

[医] 先天愚型, 伸舌样白痴

    [ noun ]
    a congenital disorder caused by having an extra 21st chromosome; results in a flat face and short stature and mental retardation

    Down syndrome \Down" syn`drome\, Down's syndrome \Down's"
    syn`drome\, n. (Med.)
    A congenital disorder caused by an extra chromosome 21 in
    some or all cells. It causes a variable number and degree of
    abnormalities, including retarded growth, mental retardation,
    a short nose, prominent epicanthic folds on the eyelids, a
    protruding lower lip, and other physical features having
    varying degrees of deviation from the normal. Called also
    {mongolism}, {trisomy-21} and {trisomy 21 syndrome}.

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