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 mongoose   添加此单词到默认生词本
[动] 猫鼬

    [ noun ]
    agile grizzled Old World viverrine; preys on snakes and rodents

    Mongoose \Mon"goose\, Mongoos \Mon"goos\, n.; pl. {Mongooses}
    1. (Zo["o]l.) A species of ichneumon ({Herpestes griseus}),
    native of India. Applied also to other allied species, as
    the African banded mongoose ({Crossarchus fasciatus}).
    [Written also {mungoose}, {mungoos}, {mungous}.]

    2. [Tamil manegos.] A Madagascan lemur ({Lemur mongos}).
    [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

    Ichneumon \Ich*neu"mon\, n. [L., fr. Gr. ?, lit., the tracker;
    so called because it hunts out the eggs of the crocodile, fr.
    ? to track or hunt after, fr. 'i`chnos track, footstep.]
    1. (Zo["o]l.) Any carnivorous mammal of the genus
    {Herpestes}, and family {Viverrid[ae]}. Numerous species
    are found in Asia and Africa. The Egyptian species
    ({Herpestes ichneumon}), which ranges to Spain and
    Palestine, is noted for destroying the eggs and young of
    the crocodile as well as various snakes and lizards, and
    hence was considered sacred by the ancient Egyptians. The
    common species of India ({Herpestes griseus}), known as
    the {mongoose}, has similar habits and is often
    domesticated. It is noted for killing the cobra.

    2. (Zo["o]l.) Any hymenopterous insect of the family
    {Ichneumonid[ae]}, of which several thousand species are
    known, belonging to numerous genera.

    Note: The female deposits her eggs upon, or in, the bodies of
    other insects, such as caterpillars, plant lice, etc.
    The larva lives upon the internal tissues of the insect
    in which it is parasitic, and finally kills it. Hence,
    many of the species are beneficial to agriculture by
    destroying noxious insects.

    {Ichneumon fly}. See {Ichneumon}, 2.

    1. "She's the boss," a sign on the dwarf mongoose cage coyly proclaimed, under the rubric, "A day in the life of a Dwarf Mongoose family."
    2. As the mongoose made to run off, his tail like a beacon in the flat grey light of morning, she flicked out a dinner-plate paw and swept his feet from under him.
    3. That white-tailed mongoose met his end at 6.30am only 500 yards from our camp just a few days before the ban was announced.
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