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 moldy ['moldɪ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 发霉的, 腐臭的

    moldier, moldiest
    [ adj ]
    covered with or smelling of mold
    moldy breada moldy (or musty) odor

    Moldy \Mold"y\, Mouldy \Mould"y\, a. [Compar. {Moldier}or
    {Mouldier}; superl. {Moldiest} or {Mouldiest}.] [From {Mold}
    the growth of fungi.]
    Overgrown with, or containing, mold; smelling of mold; as,
    moldy cheese or bread.

    1. On the left side, he buries barbecue waste, moldy pita bread, orange peels and coffee grounds.
    2. When Zhang Dexiang, who had buried his life savings of about $1,200 in his courtyard five years ago, dug up the money recently he discovered it was moldy "almost beyond recognition," the China Daily reported.
    3. County grain storage facilities are overflowing, it said, and in one county in central China 100,000 tons are being stored in the open and face danger of turning moldy.
    4. Mr. Flom dismisses Mr. Icahn's bid as an effort to "hang out a moldy carrot" and get Texaco to put itself on the block.
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