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 mole [mol]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 痣, 鼹鼠, 防波堤, 摩尔, 克分子

[化] 摩尔

[医] 胎块, 痣, 克分子, 模

    [ noun ]
    1. the molecular weight of a substance expressed in grams; the basic unit of amount of substance adopted under the Systeme International d'Unites

    2. <noun.quantity>
    3. a spy who works against enemy espionage

    4. <noun.person>
    5. spicy sauce often containing chocolate

    6. <noun.food>
    7. a small congenital pigmented spot on the skin

    8. <noun.attribute>
    9. a protective structure of stone or concrete; extends from shore into the water to prevent a beach from washing away

    10. <noun.artifact>
    11. small velvety-furred burrowing mammal having small eyes and fossorial forefeet

    12. <noun.animal>

    Mole \Mole\, n. [AS. m[=a]l; akin to OHG. meil, Goth. mail Cf.
    {Mail} a spot.]
    1. A spot; a stain; a mark which discolors or disfigures.
    [Obs.] --Piers Plowman.

    2. A spot, mark, or small permanent protuberance on the human
    body; esp., a spot which is dark-colored, from which
    commonly issue one or more hairs.

    Mole \Mole\, n. [L. mola.]
    A mass of fleshy or other more or less solid matter generated
    in the uterus.

    Mole \Mole\, n. [F. m[^o]le, L. moles. Cf. {Demolish},
    {Emolument}, {Molest}.]
    A mound or massive work formed of masonry or large stones,
    etc., laid in the sea, often extended either in a right line
    or an arc of a circle before a port which it serves to defend
    from the violence of the waves, thus protecting ships in a
    harbor; also, sometimes, the harbor itself. --Brande & C.

    Mole \Mole\, n. [OE. molle, either shortened fr. moldwerp, or
    from the root of E. mold soil: cf. D. mol, OD. molworp. See
    1. (Zo["o]l.) Any insectivore of the family {Talpid[ae]}.
    They have minute eyes and ears, soft fur, and very large
    and strong fore feet.

    Note: The common European mole, or moldwarp ({Talpa
    Europ[ae]a}), is noted for its extensive burrows. The
    common American mole, or shrew mole ({Scalops
    aquaticus}), and star-nosed mole ({Condylura cristata})
    have similar habits.

    Note: In the Scriptures, the name is applied to two
    unindentified animals, perhaps the chameleon and mole

    2. A plow of peculiar construction, for forming underground
    drains. [U.S.]

    3. (fig.)A spy who lives for years an apparently normal life
    (to establish a cover) before beginning his spying

    {Duck mole}. See under {Duck}.

    {Golden mole}. See {Chrysochlore}.

    {Mole cricket} (Zo["o]l.), an orthopterous insect of the
    genus {Gryllotalpa}, which excavates subterranean
    galleries, and throws up mounds of earth resembling those
    of the mole. It is said to do damage by injuring the roots
    of plants. The common European species ({Gryllotalpa
    vulgaris}), and the American ({Gryllotalpa borealis}), are
    the best known.

    {Mole rat} (Zo["o]l.), any one of several species of Old
    World rodents of the genera {Spalax}, {Georychus}, and
    several allied genera. They are molelike in appearance and
    habits, and their eyes are small or rudimentary.

    {Mole shrew} (Zo["o]l.), any one of several species of
    short-tailed American shrews of the genus {Blarina}, esp.
    {Blarina brevicauda}.

    {Water mole}, the duck mole.

    Mole \Mole\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Moled}; p. pr. & vb. n.
    1. To form holes in, as a mole; to burrow; to excavate; as,
    to mole the earth.

    2. To clear of molehills. [Prov. Eng.] --Pegge.

    mole \mole\ n.
    A quantity of a substance equal to the molecular weight of a
    substance expressed in grams; a gram molecule; the basic unit
    of amount of substance adopted under the System International
    d'Unites; as, he added two moles of sodium chloride to the

    Syn: gram molecule, mol.
    [WordNet 1.5]

    1. But it would increase the parallels between the Bloch case and that of Kim Philby, the famed Soviet "mole" who penetrated British intelligence.
    2. A wasp that subdues mole crickets but does not sting people was the first.
    3. They mainly attack a tropical mole cricket that is only a pest in South Florida, however.
    4. The cabinet mole didn't say whether ministers expressed any views on Sir Anthony Jacobs's interesting pump-priming proposal to give tax relief on all personal sector borrowing.
    5. "The people who think Molly Yard is a 'Republican mole' are crazy," she says.
    6. Documented more than a century ago, naked mole rats are found only under the desert of Kenya in eastern Africa.
    7. If they were, zoo curators across the country wouldn't be scrambling to get their own colonies of naked mole rats.
    8. Even 25 years after the privileged English gentleman was unmasked as Moscow's highest-placed mole in Western intelligence, central questions remain unanswered: Were there others of higher rank?
    9. Glenn Michael Souther may have been a Soviet spy, but it's unlikely he was a Russian mole who infiltrated this country, his former associates said Tuesday after Souther's death was reported in the Soviet Union.
    10. Maybe Mr. Bell is a mole, too.
    11. Or it could confirm the possibility"mouth-watering," in the words of Yale diplomatic historian Gaddis Smiththat there was a major mole on the U.S. side.
    12. "We're looking for a guy on crutches that's moving like a mole," said a sheriff's detective who did not give his name.
    13. A retired British spy writes in his memoirs that British intelligence has been irreparably damaged by Soviet agents, and he names another mole among its ranks, The Independent reported Tuesday.
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