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 martial ['mɑ:ʃәl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 战争的, 军事的, 尚武的, 威武的

[医] 含铁的

    [ noun ]
    1. Roman poet noted for epigrams (first century BC)

    2. <noun.person>
    [ adj ]
    1. (of persons) befitting a warrior

    2. <adj.all>
      a military bearing
    3. suggesting war or military life

    4. <adj.all>
    5. of or relating to the armed forces

    6. <adj.all>
      martial law

    Martial \Mar"tial\, a. [F., fr. L. martialis of or belonging to
    Mars, the god of war. Cf. {March} the month.]
    1. Of, pertaining to, or suited for, war; military; as,
    martial music; a martial appearance. ``Martial equipage.''

    2. Practiced in, or inclined to, war; warlike; brave.

    But peaceful kings, o'er martial people set,
    Each other's poise and counterbalance are. --Dryden.

    3. Belonging to war, or to an army and navy; -- opposed to
    {civil}; as, martial law; a court-martial.

    4. Pertaining to, or resembling, the god, or the planet,
    Mars. --Sir T. Browne.

    5. (Old Chem. & Old Med.) Pertaining to, or containing, iron;
    chalybeate; as, martial preparations. [Archaic]

    {Martial flowers} (Med.), a reddish crystalline salt of iron;
    the ammonio-chloride of iron. [Obs.]

    {Martial law}, the law administered by the military power of
    a government when it has superseded the civil authority in
    time of war, or when the civil authorities are unable to
    enforce the laws. It is distinguished from military law,
    the latter being the code of rules for the regulation of
    the army and navy alone, either in peace or in war.

    Syn: {Martial}, {Warlike}.

    Usage: Martial refers more to war in action, its array, its
    attendants, etc.; as, martial music, a martial
    appearance, a martial array, courts-martial, etc.
    Warlike describes the feeling or temper which leads to
    war, and the adjuncts of war; as, a warlike nation,
    warlike indication, etc. The two words are often used
    without discrimination.

    1. Like the raucous chair-throwing sessions and fights that break out in the Yuan, Hsu's unusual campaign for the December vote indicates how much the island has changed since martial law.
    2. With martial law declared in some parts of the capital, Beijing Mayor Chen Xitong said foreign reporters were forbidden to conduct interviews or make tapes or videos on the streets or at government offices, schools, factories and mines.
    3. Management agreed to a 15,000-zloty ($38) monthly pay raise, but the total included some raises already promised, and said Solidarity activists fired after the imposition of martial law in 1981 would be rehired as needed.
    4. On July 18, the eve of a planned mass opposition rally, the government tightened martial law and threatened offenders with death sentences.
    5. It was suppressed and outlawed after the imposition of martial law in December 1981.
    6. While the report, with its vacuous martial metaphors, proved a useful tool for school superintendents across America eager to fatten their budgets, little lasting change has taken place.
    7. He was trained in kung fu in Vietnam, but abandoned the martial art after seriously injuring a friend in the fight.
    8. "After receiving the ultimatum, there was no turning back from the imposition of martial law," says Col. Kuklinski.
    9. It was the first time since the imposition of martial law in Poland in December 1981 that Walesa received permission to travel abroad.
    10. In March, Chinese troops imposed martial law in Tibet following the most recent round of pro-independence rioting.
    11. The plan started taking shape 32 months before he declared martial law and while he presented himself as a champion of democracy, the papers show.
    12. Wojciech Jaruzelski replied: "It is logical that if you talk about free elections, any outcome is possible." It represented a remarkable turnaround from eight years ago, when Jaruzelski imposed martial law to snuff out Solidarity.
    13. The Georgian resolution calls "inadmissible" Gorbachev's proposal for the president to declare a state of emergency and martial law.
    14. Beijing citizens, in a show of support for the students, blocked troops from entering the city after the government declared martial law on May 20.
    15. Jaruzelski declared martial law: it quit publishing the pronouncements of the outlawed union, Solidarity.
    16. "This is not martial law," said Labor Secretary Franklin Drilon. "There's no curfew, there's no suspension of the writ of habeas corpus.
    17. The order came about an hour after martial law was declared in parts of Beijing, including Tiananmen Square, where hundreds of thousands of Chinese have been demonstrating for political reforms.
    18. Although tough anti-protest laws and surveillance of university campuses remain in place, many expressed relief that martial law was over. "This is the way it should be," said a high school student about the opening of the square to the public again.
    19. He faces charges of "rebellion with murder." Military dissidents claimed the arrest of one of the administration's sharpest critics was a prelude to martial law.
    20. The Solidarity-backed delegation makes up 46 percent of the assembly, and most seemed likely to vote against Jaruzelski, who imposed a martial law crack- down on the independent trade union in 1981.
    21. The group advised parents and children to avoid the movie, which follows the exploits of four crime-fighting turtles skilled in martial arts.
    22. He did not specify any action, but under the constitution he may rule by decree or impose martial law if he deems the nation is facing an emergency.
    23. Yan was a leader of the Beijing Independent Intellectuals Association, which played an important role in the movement and was banned by the Chinese government when martial law was declared May 20.
    24. A police officer there shook his head when asked if the increased security was because of the martial law anniversary.
    25. If he imposed presidential rule, Gorbachev could disband Lithuania's parliament, its first freely elected legislature in 50 years, replace the Lithuanian government with Moscow-appointed officials, and impose martial law.
    26. Signaling how seriously China takes the threat to MFN, in the past two weeks it lifted martial law in the Tibetan city of Lhasa and announced the release of 211 pro-democracy protesters.
    27. Under martial law, the city government banned marches, strikes, class boycotts, the spreading of rumors and any criticism of leaders.
    28. The two sailors are in pre-trial detention awaiting court martial by the Navy.
    29. Junejo's was the first civilian Cabinet since Zia, the army chief of staff, ended eight years of martial law.
    30. China Daily newspaper reported 3,688 visitors _ one-tenth the usual number _toured the Forbidden City when it opened Tuesday for the first time since martial law was imposed May 20.
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