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 Martian ['mɑ:ʃiәn]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 火星人

a. 火星的

    [ noun ]
    1. imaginary people who live on the planet Mars

    2. <noun.person>
    [ adj ]
    1. of or relating to the planet Mars (or its fictional inhabitants)

    2. <adj.pert>

    Martian \Mar"tian\, prop. n.
    An inhabitant of the planet Mars; -- fictional or
    hypothetical. --Du Maurier.
    [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

    Note: In science fiction, it has often been postulated that
    there are intelligent creatures living on Mars, but no
    strong evidence of any form of life on Mars has been
    observed up to the end of 1998.

    Martian \Mar"tian\, prop. a. [L. Martius.]
    Of or pertaining to Mars, the Roman god of war, or to the
    planet bearing his name; martial.
    [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

    1. The two Soviet spacecraft are to enter the gravitational pull of Mars in January and fall into orbit just behind Phobos for a three-month study of the Martian surface, atmosphere and magnetic field.
    2. Phobos 1 was launched July 7 and Phobos 2 on July 12. During the $480 million mission, the two probes were scheduled to go into orbit around Mars and just behind Phobos in January so they could study the Martian surface, atmosphere and magnetic field.
    3. A Martian invasion put this tiny town on the map in 1938.
    4. In an interview, he said the most likely place for finding proof of Martian life is soil laid down billions of years ago when water is thought to have flowed freely across the planet's surface.
    5. ABC may now have in mind Orson Welles's radio experience in 1938 when he announced a Martian landing.
    6. The drama about a Martian invasion of the Earth, which employed fake news reports, panicked some listeners who thought that the events being portrayed were real.
    7. In 1938, one day after his "War of the Worlds" broadcast had panicked radio listeners, Orson Welles expressed "deep regret" but also bewilderment that anyone had thought the Martian invasion portrayed was real.
    8. Izvestia said the problem occurred Monday when ground controllers were trying to reorient the spacecraft to take photographs of the Martian moon.
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