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 manioc ['mæniɒk]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 木薯, 木薯粉

[化] 木薯; 木薯淀粉

[医] 木薯

    [ noun ]
    1. a starch made by leaching and drying the root of the cassava plant; the source of tapioca; a staple food in the tropics

    2. <noun.substance>
    3. cassava root eaten as a staple food after drying and leaching; source of tapioca

    4. <noun.plant>
    5. cassava with long tuberous edible roots and soft brittle stems; used especially to make cassiri (an intoxicating drink) and tapioca

    6. <noun.plant>

    Manioc \Ma"ni*oc\, n. [Pg. mandioca, fr. Braz.] (Bot.)
    The tropical plants ({Manihot utilissima}, and {Manihot
    Aipi}), from which cassava and tapioca are prepared; also,
    cassava. [Written also {mandioc}, {manihoc}, {manihot}.]

    Cassava \Cas"sa*va\ (k[a^]s"s[.a]*v[.a]), n. [F. cassave, Sp.
    cazabe, fr. kasabi, in the language of Haiti.]
    1. (Bot.) A shrubby euphorbiaceous plant of the genus
    {Manihot}, with fleshy rootstocks yielding an edible
    starch; -- called also {manioc}.

    Note: There are two species, bitter and sweet, from which the
    cassava of commerce is prepared in the West Indies,
    tropical America, and Africa. The bitter ({Manihot
    utilissima}) is the more important; this has a
    poisonous sap, but by grating, pressing, and baking the
    root the poisonous qualities are removed. The sweet
    ({Manihot Aipi}) is used as a table vegetable.

    2. A nutritious starch obtained from the rootstocks of the
    cassava plant, used as food and in making tapioca.

    1. Some have shifted cultivations from banana to manioc.
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