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 maniple ['mænipl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 弥撒带, 步兵中队队

[医] 一把, 少量

    Maniple \Man"i*ple\, n. [L. manipulus, maniplus, a handful, a
    certain number of soldiers; manus hand + root of plere to
    fill, plenus full: cf. F. maniple. See {Manual}, and {Full},
    1. A handful. [R.] --B. Jonson.

    2. A division of the Roman army numbering sixty men exclusive
    of officers; any small body of soldiers; a company.

    3. Originally, a napkin; later, an ornamental band or scarf
    worn upon the left arm as a part of the vestments of a
    priest in the Roman Catholic Church. It is sometimes worn
    in the English Church service.

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