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 make-up ['mek`ʌp添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 捏造

    [ noun ]
    1. an event that is substituted for a previously cancelled event

    2. <noun.event>
      he missed the test and had to take a makeup
      the two teams played a makeup one week later
    3. the way in which someone or something is composed

    4. <noun.attribute>
    5. cosmetics applied to the face to improve or change your appearance

    6. <noun.artifact>

    makeup \make"up`\, make-up \make"-up`\(m[=a]k"[u^]p`), n.

    1. The way in which the parts of anything are put together.

    The unthinking masses are necessarily teleological
    in their mental make-up. --L. F. Ward.

    2. The constituent parts of anything; as, the makeup of the
    new congress was predominantly conservative.

    3. Cosmetics applied to the face, such as {lipstick}, {facial
    power}, or {eye shadow}.

    4. The aggregate of cosmetics and costume worn by an actor.

    5. The effect or appearance of the wearing of makeup (in
    senses 3 or 4); often, the way in which an actor is
    dressed, painted, etc., in personating a character; as,
    her makeup was very realistic.

    6. An action that is taken to fulfill a requirement not
    accomplished at the expected time, such as a make-up
    examination; as, the student took his make-up on Saturday.

    7. (Printing) The appearance of a page of a publication,
    specifically the type style of the text and the spatial
    arrangement of the text, illustrations, advertising
    material etc., on the page.

    8. (Printing) The art or process of arranging the portions of
    a printed publication on the pages for esthetic reasons or
    for optimal effect on the reader.

    1. But even by movieland's standards of maudlin self-massage, My Life is heavy-duty material. Keaton does his best with the terminal make-up and stoical wisecracks.
    2. I can tell you by item the make-up of the Dollars 67bn of costs we have in North America.
    3. It was just make-up, calories and drugs.
    4. He went around with a permanent make-up artist and, where possible, sought to be filmed by his own in-house camera crew.
    5. It has thrown off its Maoist cloak and put on its make-up and smart clothes.
    6. If it is inside, even if Barbara has done the make-up, she, a non-Hindu, cannot enter.
    7. (They should adopt a darker, bolder make-up, and the manner to go with it). But Tricorne is a masterpiece, worthy of every effort to capture its style. It must not be neglected, nor allowed to remain in its present deep-frozen state.
    8. They called her names and accused her of immodest dress and wearing make-up.
    9. THE GREAT thing about Ascot-dress is never, ever to confuse it with fashion. Ascot, like most of the summer events which collectively make-up the season, could be declared a fashion-free zone.
    10. And we tried to forget the worst disappointment of all: the sight of Jack Nicholson with putty-face make-up piloting through David Mamet's putty-brained script for Hoffa. This at least brought Danny DeVito to town as co-star and director.
    11. Here is an outline of the make-up of these markets and what influences them, the sources of the data, and the implications for jobs.
    12. Justice Byron R. White, in his opinion for the court, said the under-representation on the board for the city's largest boroughs is severe, rejecting arguments by city officials that the make-up legitimately balances regional interests.
    13. Inside, further pictures credit a stylist, set designer, hair and make-up artists, plus there are honourable mentions for 'jeans by Gianni Versace and sheets by Ralph Lauren'.
    14. The make-up people have been at his whiskers, curling the white moustache and giving a vertical frisk to the white eyebrows.
    15. Employers must register the religious make-up of their workforce with the commission and where it is out of balance with the population in the area, they will be ordered to take action to redress the imbalance.
    16. That could give the next president greater freedom to act when he takes office in January. But Brazil's complicated political make-up and its culture of compromise mean progress on both the economic and political fronts is likely to be slow.
    17. The make-up of the new Cabinet has been the subject of intense debate within the governing Liberal Democratic Party.
    18. I then go in, have my shower, put my make-up on, dry my hair.
    19. Wearing make-up or jewelery in public is taboo.
    20. Moreover, while the heterogeneous make-up of the national electorate almost invariably ensures both a strong government and a strong opposition, the more homogeneous territory of most councils makes the return of a numerous opposition less assured.
    21. A later make-up meeting between President Reagan and Mr. Rockefeller never quite erased the image.
    22. But it now appears Owners Abroad applied some thick make-up while fending off Airtours. During the bid, Owners did not issue a profits forecast but made much of its strong trading and the savings that would stem from its link-up with Thomas Cook.
    23. She exudes warmth and glamor, with discreet make-up and jewels and silken saris.
    24. As investment manager Draycott Partners points out in its latest newsletter, a hitherto unremarked aspect of the spectacular rise in Polish equity prices (up 175 per cent in the second quarter) is the stock market's unusual make-up.
    25. The United Nations-supervised elections will determine the make-up of a constitution-writing assembly.
    26. They agreed that Vietnam's withdrawal must be supervised by an international agency but failed to agree on the nature of the supervision or on the make-up of a coalition government during the Vietnamese withdrawal.
    27. It cautioned about difficulty in determining to what extent a station's programming decisions was driven by the racial, ethinic or female make-up of its audience or resulted from minority-ownership interests.
    28. Ross says the judge's error tainted the jury's make-up in a way that made a fair trial impossible.
    29. (Nothing fancy from the make-up department: the same actor topped with a Liberace-ish wig). Morice's parents are casually revealed as Pasa Doble experts, stomping nightly to the tune of the passing trains.
    30. The idea of beautiful models returning to their homelands to be photographed in immaculate make-up and striking clothes with their less fortunate countrymen seems questionable, yet we shall no doubt be told it creates invaluable publicity.
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