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 make-work 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 为提供就业机会而安排的工作

    [ noun ]
    active work of little value
    while he was waiting he filled the days with busywork

    make-work \make-work\ n.
    Active work of litle value, such as assignments given by
    teachers to students to keep them busy while the teacher
    performs other tasks, or chores performed to while away time;
    also called {busywork}.

    Syn: busywork.
    [WordNet 1.5 +PJC]

    1. "These aren't make-work, makeshift type of jobs," he said. "They are real jobs." Quayle also proposed that the federal budget be written every two years rather than going through the current laborious process every year in a crisis atmosphere.
    2. The "Social Pact" that he announced upon taking office in early 1984 turned out to be a euphemism for restricting imports, cutting the compensation of managers and decreeing additional make-work in a country where featherbedding abounds.
    3. Our worry, though, is that with the private economy offering genuine jobs, not "subsidized" make-work jobs, a very rare opportunity may be lost.
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