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 liturgy ['litәdʒi]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 礼拜仪式, 祷告文, 圣餐仪式

    [ noun ]
    1. a Christian sacrament commemorating the Last Supper by consecrating bread and wine

    2. <noun.act>
    3. a rite or body of rites prescribed for public worship

    4. <noun.act>

    Liturgy \Lit"ur*gy\ (l[i^]t"[u^]r*j[y^]), n.; pl. {Liturgies}
    (l[i^]t"[u^]r*j[i^]z). [F. liturgie, LL. liturgia, Gr.
    leitoyrgi`a a public service, the public service of God,
    public worship; (assumed) le`i:tos, lei^tos, belonging to the
    people, public (fr. lao`s, lew`s, the people) + the root of
    'e`rgon work. See {Lay}, a., and {Work}.]
    An established formula for public worship, or the entire
    ritual for public worship in a church which uses prescribed
    forms; a formulary for public prayer or devotion. In the
    Roman Catholic Church it includes all forms and services in
    any language, in any part of the world, for the celebration
    of Mass.

    1. The ceremony at his church Sunday included traditional Catholic prayers and liturgy, along with elements borrowed from African and Southern black revival traditions.
    2. Non-sexist language _ Vatican and U.S. Catholic leaders agreed it can and should be incorporated into the liturgy as long as it does not impinge on scriptural and doctrinal matters.
    3. He has pointedly ignored the papal order of 1976, both by ordaining priests and continuing to speak against the reforms adopted by the Second Vatican Council of 1963-65, which simplified and modernized the liturgy.
    4. "The patriarch will not participate in a liturgy that includes the leaders of the Russian Orthodox churches of Japan and North America," said Yiannis Hadzifotis, spokesman for the Orthodox Church of Greece.
    5. Sunday's ceremony was attended by about 500 people and included traditional Catholic prayers and liturgy, along with elements borrowed from African and Southern black revival traditions.
    6. Turowicz said he believed the program should not focus on church liturgy and holiday celebrations, but that it should educate society.
    7. The ceremony included Catholic prayers and liturgy, along with words borrowed from African and Southern black revival traditions. Black representatives of other faiths, including Baptists and Muslims, attended to show support for Stallings' move.
    8. In his liturgy for Sunday, Oct. 29, the priest acknowledged the spiritual leadership of John Paul II and prayed for him instead of Patriarch Pimen, head of the Russian Orthodox Church.
    9. There are references to it as early as the 5th or 6th centuries, and coincidences have been found between the shroud and 7th-century Byzantine art and liturgy.
    10. A Vatican-approved revision of the funeral liturgy took effect Dec. 3. It specifically spelled out a ban on secular symbols, which had been stated less clearly in an earlier liturgy.
    11. A Vatican-approved revision of the funeral liturgy took effect Dec. 3. It specifically spelled out a ban on secular symbols, which had been stated less clearly in an earlier liturgy.
    12. Members of the National Black Catholic Clergy Caucus, representing priests and monks, endorsed at a meeting July 27 in Milwaukee the study of such a rite, which would have its own liturgy and its own hierarchy of priests and bishops.
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