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 livable   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 生活过得有价值的, (生活)过得去的, 值得过的, 适于居住的

    [ adj ]
    fit or suitable to live in or with
    livable conditions

    Livable \Liv"a*ble\, a.
    1. Such as can be lived.

    2. Such as is pleasant to live in; fit or suitable to live
    in. [Colloq.]

    A more delightful or livable region is not easily to
    be found. --T. Arnold.

    1. But there is grim humor in the specter of regulators and business squaring off over how to make Logan livable.
    2. Or is it livable?
    3. If a person who is scratching out a sub-par living in livable Portland were offered a lucrative position in barely livable Fresno, I am sure he would have no trouble deciding which was the better place to live.
    4. If a person who is scratching out a sub-par living in livable Portland were offered a lucrative position in barely livable Fresno, I am sure he would have no trouble deciding which was the better place to live.
    5. Real estate values soared in a city considered by many to be among the most livable.
    6. His workfare training later allowed him to select from among several print shop job offers _ at what he said is a livable salary.
    7. The fact is, this planet is more livable than ever.
    8. Their friend is dying. That was all they needed to know to want to make his remaining days more livable, and it is a question who inspires whom the most.
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