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 lanky ['læŋki]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 瘦长的

    lankier, lankiest
    [ adj ]
    1. tall and thin and having long slender limbs

    2. <adj.all>
      a gangling teenager
      a lanky kid transformed almost overnight into a handsome young man
    3. tall and thin

    4. <adj.all>

    Lanky \Lank"y\, a.
    Somewhat lank; tall, thin, bony and ungraceful. --Thackeray.

    The lanky Dinka, nearly seven feet in height. --The

    1. "The Ivory Trade" continues the story, beginning with Mr. Cliburn's stunning 1958 Tchaikovsky Competition victory in Moscow, which made the lanky American a national hero overnight.
    2. The two actresses are both somewhat lanky and angular, but their power to convince us that they are aspects of the same character goes beyond physical similarities.
    3. Only the rain is free. The Cerro Bayo resort is the brainchild of Jean-Pierre Raemdonck, a lanky, bespectacled Belgian who came to Argentina as a student on a motorcycle and never left.
    4. And Sen. Gramm, a lanky Georgia native who moved to Texas to teach economics, is fast trading his reputation as a bomb thrower for one as a pragmatic insider.
    5. In concert, the lanky, formally dressed German appears to be pedaling a yard-long glass carrot speared on a rotisserie.
    6. "Emaciation isn't all that it's cracked up to be," said the lanky comedian in the July issue of Mademoiselle magazine.
    7. "My dad said it'll be your best or one of your best ever," the lanky, soft-spoken farmer said modestly. "You trust the old-timers." Iowa farm country has long been good to the Hundlings.
    8. The lanky, blonde photographer ambles over to Mr. Seaver and demonstrates how to hurl a fast ball and do a graceful follow-through.
    9. What the lanky Mize did at this Masters was stay within closer reach of par than anyone else.
    10. An 8-year-old Hungarian girl's dream of meeting President Bush came true today at Ferihegy Airport, where she chatted with the tall, lanky American and gave him a mop-haired doll.
    11. He was a lanky 14-year-old from Tipperary who volunteered to run messages for the rebels.
    12. "It ain't hardly worth the effort," the lanky 48-year-old farmer shouts to a listener seated next to him as he drives his "swather" through the dusty fields.
    13. In fact, the tall and lanky politician with sloping posture and a plaintive voice is fond of saying he is "not presidential." But his long career in politics belies that self-portrait.
    14. The lanky former New York Knicks basketball star wove together personal anecdotes about his past, his political vision for the future and his love of New Jersey.
    15. Then, Mr George, whose lanky frame gives him the appearance of a gawky schoolboy, seemed overawed at the responsibility he had inherited.
    16. He was tall and lanky, wore pressed Levis, cowboy boots and a starched white shirt, and he was country around the edges.
    17. "I've been doing this drag stuff for so long now that I get that makeup on quick," says the lanky, low-key Busch. "I'm better than any woman in a fire.
    18. The man he chose to portray Shakespeare's melancholy Dane was a lanky, lean and wild-haired actor named Peter Stormare who, until he was 22, had never seen a play.
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