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 irony ['aɪrənɪ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 反语, 讽刺, 具有讽刺意味的事

    [ noun ]
    1. witty language used to convey insults or scorn

    2. <noun.communication>
      he used sarcasm to upset his opponent
      irony is wasted on the stupid
      Satire is a sort of glass, wherein beholders do generally discover everybody's face but their own
    3. incongruity between what might be expected and what actually occurs

    4. <noun.attribute>
      the irony of Ireland's copying the nation she most hated
    5. a trope that involves incongruity between what is expected and what occurs

    6. <noun.communication>

    Irony \I"ron*y\, a. [From {Iron}.]
    1. Made or consisting of iron; partaking of iron; iron; as,
    irony chains; irony particles; -- In this sense {iron} is
    the more common term. [R.] --Woodward.
    [1913 Webster +PJC]

    2. Resembling iron in taste, hardness, or other physical

    Irony \I"ron*y\, n. [L. ironia, Gr. ? dissimulation, fr. ? a
    dissembler in speech, fr. ? to speak; perh. akin to E. word:
    cf. F. ironie.]
    1. Dissimulation; ignorance feigned for the purpose of
    confounding or provoking an antagonist.

    2. A sort of humor, ridicule, or light sarcasm, which adopts
    a mode of speech the meaning of which is contrary to the
    literal sense of the words.

    1. Even she sees a certain irony in the coming duel: "It is kind of like competing with yourself," Ms. Burns observes.
    2. "To me, there's a little irony that a favorite prehistoric campsite has become one of our biggest campgrounds today," said Michael Beckes, regional archaeologist for the U.S. Forest Service's eastern district.
    3. An acquisition by PG&E would be the ultimate irony for the Sacramento utility, which was spawned by a revolt against the investor-owned utility and which took over PG&E service territory in 1947 after a long, bitter battle.
    4. This must be an irony: a comment on modern America's view of modern Japan as not so much a sunrise neighbour, more a nation determined to rain on the US's parade.
    5. "The irony is that he (Reagan) chose to deliver that speech in the one state that has a comprehensive plant closing law," Dukakis said.
    6. "The irony of it is, the Sensibar is still sailing," said Mrs. Peckol, who skipped newscasts of the wreckage. "I'm not happy about opening up a lot of old wounds.
    7. It is an irony that all the good work should today be put in jeopardy by an unspoken and inexplicable notion that belonging fully to Europe means that Britain will belong less to itself.
    8. That irony has tempered enthusiasm here and is causing some soul-searching in the research community.
    9. But he said the advantages out-weigh that irony.
    10. Lawyers on both sides noted the irony of Mahoney's being convicted of a more serious offense for the burn injuries than for the deaths.
    11. Mr. Breeden sees the irony in championing a new version of this idea.
    12. So, some see a special irony in the fact that Mr. Steinhardt, the trader, now is encumbered with a massive, illiquid airline holding.
    13. The irony, of course, is that for all his rebelliousness, these are precisely the kinds of plays John writes, as we know from the one before us.
    14. It was Mr. Heifetz whose solo performance inaugurated the Music Center in 1964, an irony that has not escaped the press.
    15. "The great irony is that President Arias, the great creator of the Esquipulas Peace Plan _ for which he was given the Nobel Prize _ could be the same person that buries the plan," Ortega said Friday night.
    16. So one irony of any conflict in Europe is that since air superiority is vital to the land battle, our Army could lose the war in rear areas where it doesn't even fight.
    17. As he said, the irony of it.
    18. "And I would very much like to ask for her counsel," the Polish Communist Party chief added, without apparent irony, of his imminent talks in Warsaw with the Conservative Party prime minister, Britain's most right-wing leader since World War II.
    19. All the good will wafting around the summit is being taken as a positive sign, but the fact is that the so-called "education crisis" is fraught with irony.
    20. Yet here too there seems precious little so far of striking individual merit. The irony is that even as television becomes more and more formulaic so more and more attention is lavished upon it.
    21. This is, to us, marvellously funny - but he himself lacks any irony. Something in him dies on being exiled from Rome.
    22. Those bureaucratic words have taken on new irony given what is now known about what was happening at the time. Instead of improved "oversight," documents were withheld from Congress.
    23. "There's an irony in it that's certainly not lost on me," said Broyles.
    24. The second irony is that Jerry twice remembers the event as having occurred in Emma's kitchen; and that she twice corrects him - his kitchen.
    25. The irony is that these actions have been offsetting some of the good effects of President Reagan's domestic policies.
    26. It's a nice irony, proving that if you live by the sword, it may not be for long.
    27. An even larger irony is that the churches' religious leaders decided to wander off to other concerns in the very years when many people could have used the most help trying to make sense of the overwhelming pace of change in American culture.
    28. They stressed, nevertheless, that critical details remained to be tied up in horse-trading that could easily last into June. 'There was a lot of sweetness and light,' a senior Commission official remarked without a hint of irony.
    29. Any small irony in that? Well, yes.
    30. The wonderful irony of this present exhibition is that so judiciously critical an opportunity should be presented to us as the vindication and celebration of a great artist's career and achievement, and sent on a world-wide tour.
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