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 irradiated   添加此单词到默认生词本



    Irradiate \Ir*ra"di*ate\ ([i^]r*r[=a]"d[i^]*[=a]t), v. t. [imp.
    & p. p. {Irradiated} ([i^]r*r[=a]"d[i^]*[=a]`t[e^]d); p. pr.
    & vb. n. {Irradiating} ([i^]r*r[=a]"d[i^]*[=a]`t[i^]ng).] [L.
    irradiatus, p. p. of irradiate. See {In-} in, and {Radiate}.]
    1. To throw rays of light upon; to illuminate; to brighten;
    to adorn with luster.

    Thy smile irradiates yon blue fields. --Sir W.

    2. To enlighten intellectually; to illuminate; as, to
    irradiate the mind. --Bp. Bull.

    3. To animate by heat or light. --Sir M. Hale.

    4. To radiate, shed, or diffuse.

    A splendid fa[,c]ade, . . . irradiating hospitality.
    --H. James.

    5. To expose to radiation of any kind, especially {ionizing
    radiation}; as, to sterilize food by irradiating it with
    gamma rays; one can cause mutations in bacteria by
    irradiating them with ultraviolet light.

    1. "I trust the FDA and the (irradiated) papaya has more flavor," said shopper Tiffani Kitchen, a consultant.
    2. A spokesman for the chicken processors' National Broiler Council says that group would jump in if it sensed consumer acceptance of irradiated poultry.
    3. And the irradiated yellow papayas were riper and sweeter than the mostly green contenders.
    4. "An irradiated apple a day keeps the consumer away," said one.
    5. "There is no single confirmed piece of evidence that eating irradiated food can be harmful to health," he said.
    6. Of 203 shoppers tested, 63% said they preferred the irradiated papaya.
    7. On Thanksgiving Day, the astronauts dined on irradiated turkey, freeze-dried vegetables and cranberry sauce.
    8. When foods are irradiated, they must be labeled that have been treated that way.
    9. Continental prices for venison were shattered following the Chernobyl radiation fallout and the discovery that Scandinavian reindeer had grazed irradiated mosses.
    10. The camera, on his face, watches that moment of numbed, irradiated awareness when an entire relationship crumbles.
    11. Last July, New York State passed legislation banning irradiated foods there for two years.
    12. This sounds ludicrous and people will think I'm absolutely mad but when when I was really young I was perfectly willing to contemplate that both my parents and myself be eliminated, physically irradiated, to make for a better world.
    13. Purified stem cells could readily lead to enhanced versions of bone marrow transplants for cancer, experts said. To date, the company has tested the stem cells in hundreds of lethally irradiated mice, and the cure rate has been 100%, Dr. Sonntag said.
    14. The environmental case has a hefty counterweight in the risks of radioactive contamination and the large amount of irradiated equipment which has to be dealt with when a nuclear station closes.
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